Javascript Reactjs-将颜色作为道具传递

Javascript Reactjs-将颜色作为道具传递,javascript,reactjs,react-props,Javascript,Reactjs,React Props,我正在尝试使用颜色作为设置中的道具。在General_heading组件中,我希望能够传递一个道具来定义标题的颜色,但目前无法让它响应。思想? 在app.js中: <div><General_header theme_color="red"/></div> 通常,_header.js: import React, { Component } from 'react'; class General_header extends React.Component

我正在尝试使用颜色作为设置中的道具。在General_heading组件中,我希望能够传递一个道具来定义标题的颜色,但目前无法让它响应。思想? 在app.js中:

<div><General_header theme_color="red"/></div>

import React, { Component } from 'react';

class General_header extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {logo_img: props.logo_img,
                  theme_color: props.theme_color};

  render() {
    return (
      <div style={[styles.header,{backgroundColor:this.state.theme_color}]}>test
        <img src={this.state.logo_img} alt={'logo'} style={styles.logo_img} />

var styles = {
  header: {
    height: '100px',
    display: 'block'},
  logo_img: {
    height: '40px',
    display: 'inline-block'}


export default General_header;



class General_header extends React.Component {
  render() {
    // This will create a single object containing fields
    // from styles.header plus the extra backgroundColor field.
    const fullStyle = {
      ...styles.header, // This is called the spread operator
      backgroundColor: this.props.theme_color // No need to assign this to state
    return (
      <div style={fullStyle}>test
        <img src={this.state.logo_img} alt={'logo'} style={styles.logo_img} />

class General_header extends React.Component {
  render() {
    // This will create a single object containing fields
    // from styles.header plus the extra backgroundColor field.
    const fullStyle = {
      ...styles.header, // This is called the spread operator
      backgroundColor: this.props.theme_color // No need to assign this to state
    return (
      <div style={fullStyle}>test
        <img src={this.state.logo_img} alt={'logo'} style={styles.logo_img} />
var fullStyle = Object.assign(
  { backgroundColor: this.props.theme_color }