
如何将选择框滚动到特定点(使用javascript或jQuery)?,javascript,jquery,scroll,drop-down-menu,Javascript,Jquery,Scroll,Drop Down Menu,我想让选择的选项出现在下拉的中间。当我第一次加载页面时,它会出现在下拉列表的底部,但是如果我滚动过它并退出,当我再次打开它时,它会记住这一点。我想让它在默认情况下出现在中间。< /P> 起初我认为我可以使用javascript选择一个超过我想要的选项,然后将其设置回正确的选项。我玩过scrollTop和scrollTo,但它们似乎都没有给我所需要的。我已经在Chrome上测试过了,但它也需要在Firefox和IE上运行。有什么想法吗 编辑:我尝试了scrollTo插件,但它似乎不适用于下拉列表。

我想让选择的选项出现在下拉的中间。当我第一次加载页面时,它会出现在下拉列表的底部,但是如果我滚动过它并退出,当我再次打开它时,它会记住这一点。我想让它在默认情况下出现在中间。< /P> 起初我认为我可以使用javascript选择一个超过我想要的选项,然后将其设置回正确的选项。我玩过scrollTop和scrollTo,但它们似乎都没有给我所需要的。我已经在Chrome上测试过了,但它也需要在Firefox和IE上运行。有什么想法吗



<select id="test">
    // ........
    <option selected="selected">21</option>
    // ........

[jQuery.val]检查或选择所有 单选按钮、复选框和 选择与所选选项集匹配的选项 价值观


或 编辑- 最终解决方案:


function getURLParameter(param_name) {
    // get the _get parameter

    var check = decodeURI((RegExp(param_name + '=' + '(.+?)(&|$)').exec(location.search)||[,null])[1]);

    // get the form in the document (by id/name)

    if(typeof document.myForm[param_name]  !== 'undefined'){

        var form_param = document.myForm[param_name];

        for(key2 in form_param.options) 
            if(form_param.options[key2].value == check){
                // change index
                form_param.selectedIndex = form_param.options[key2].index;
                return check;

    // Return a 'null' string value if get param isn't there
    return check;


<select onclick="centerSelectedOption(this)">

<script type="text/javascript">
function centerSelectedOption(selectBox) {
  var selectedIndex = selectBox.selectedIndex;
  var optionCount = selectBox.options.length
  /* browser shows 20 options at a time (as long as list is long enough)
     hence a center position of 10 would be fine
     we can achieve this by briefly selecting the (selectedIndex+10)th option 
     and then back to the actual selectedIndex */
  if (optionCount > 20) {
    var upperIndex = Math.min(optionCount, selectedIndex + 10);
    selectBox.selectedIndex = upperIndex; // hereby the browser scrolls the options list so that upperIndex is at the end

    // if the options list was already scrolled down and an option higher up is selected, we have to scroll up again
    var lowerIndex = Math.max(0, selectedIndex - 9);
    selectBox.selectedIndex = lowerIndex; // hereby the browser scrolls the options list so that lowerIndex is at the top

     // finally go back to the actually selected option
     selectBox.selectedIndex = selectedIndex;

<select onclick="centerSelectedOption(this)">

<script type="text/javascript">
function centerSelectedOption(selectBox) {
  var selectedIndex = selectBox.selectedIndex;
  var optionCount = selectBox.options.length
  /* browser shows 20 options at a time (as long as list is long enough)
     hence a center position of 10 would be fine
     we can achieve this by briefly selecting the (selectedIndex+10)th option 
     and then back to the actual selectedIndex */
  if (optionCount > 20) {
    var upperIndex = Math.min(optionCount, selectedIndex + 10);
    selectBox.selectedIndex = upperIndex; // hereby the browser scrolls the options list so that upperIndex is at the end

    // if the options list was already scrolled down and an option higher up is selected, we have to scroll up again
    var lowerIndex = Math.max(0, selectedIndex - 9);
    selectBox.selectedIndex = lowerIndex; // hereby the browser scrolls the options list so that lowerIndex is at the top

     // finally go back to the actually selected option
     selectBox.selectedIndex = selectedIndex;