Javascript 用户数据不';无法在本地存储中更新

Javascript 用户数据不';无法在本地存储中更新,javascript,Javascript,我的HTML: <!doctype html> <html> <title>Edit Profile</title> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="EditProfileCSS.css"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="EditProfileJS.js"/></script> <


<!doctype html>
<title>Edit Profile</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="EditProfileCSS.css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="EditProfileJS.js"/></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="CommonScript.js"/></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="CommonStyle.css"/>

var currentUser=userList;


function loadUserData() {
currentUser = localStorage.getItem("currentUser");
if(currentUser!=null) {
currentUser = JSON.parse(currentUser);

document.getElementById('username').value = currentUser.username;
document.getElementById('name').value =;
document.getElementById('password').value = currentUser.password;
document.getElementById('email').value =; 


function saveChanges(username , name, password, email){
currentUser = JSON.stringify({username:username,name:name,password:password,email:email});
  return currentUser;

 currentUser = loadUserData();
document.getElementById('username').value = currentUser.username;
document.getElementById('name').value =;
document.getElementById('password').value = currentUser.password;
document.getElementById('email').value =;


<body onload="loadUserData()">
<!--edit profile-->
<form action="EditProfile.html" method="post" id="userData" onload="loadUserData()">
<h2 id="title">Edit Profile</h2>
<fieldset id="fieldset">
<div class="content">
<label for="profilepic">Change Profile Picture<!--img    src="images/profile_pic.png"/--></label>

<input type="file" id="profilepic" name="profilepic" accept="image/*"   onchange="uploadPicture(event)" />
<img id="output"/>
<label for="newusername">Username:</label>
<input type="text" name="username"  id="username"  required="required"/>
<label for="name">Name:</label>
<input type="text" id="name" name="name" required="required"/>
<label for="cpassword">Current Password:</label>
<input type="password" id="password" name="password"  required="required"/> 

<label for="password1">New Password:</label>
<input type="password" id="password1" name="password1" />
<label for="password2">Confirm Password:</label>
<input type="password" id="password2" name="password2"  />

<label for="email">Change Email:</label>
<input type="email" name="email" id="email" required="required"/>



 <input type="submit" id="saveChanges" value="Save Changes" onclick="Validate();"  onclick="VerifyPassword();"/>





// making an object comprised of functions,
// in order to group related functions together:
var userData = {
  'get': function() {
    // here we retrieve the stored data (stored with
    // the key of 'data'):
    var data = window.localStorage.getItem('data');

    // typically retrieving an item that doesn't exist
    // will store null as the value of the variable to
    // which that item should be assigned, but here we
    // check for undefined as well (just to be sure):
    if (null === data || 'undefined' === typeof data) {
      // we exit the function here, since there's nothing
      // to be done with an empty/null data variable:
      return false;
    } else {

      // otherwise, if we have data, then we pass that
      // JSON string to JSON.parse() to turn it into
      // an iterable object:
      data = JSON.parse(data);

    // we should have data at this point (since if we
    // we didn't we should have exited the function),
    // but I really like to be sure:
    if (data) {

      // retrieving an Array of keys from the data
      // object, and iterating over that array with
      // Array.prototype.forEach():
      Object.keys(data).forEach(function(key) {
        // 'key' : the first argument is a reference
        //         to the current array-element of
        //         the array of keys over which
        //         we're iterating.

        // we retrieve the element from the document with
        // the id matching the key, and assign the
        // defaultValue of that element to the stored
        // value from the data Object:
        document.getElementById(key).defaultValue = data[key];
  'set': function(e) {
    // because we're binding this function to an element
    // using addEventListener the even is passed through
    // automatically, therefore we call event.preventDefault()
    // to prevent the default action of the element,
    // for a button on a form element that default action
    // may cause a page reload, which we don't want:

    // finding the relevant form fields to be stored:
    var fields = document.querySelectorAll('#username, #name, #email, #password'),
      // converting the HTMLCollection returned from
      // document.querySelectorAll() into an Array,
      // using Array.from() if it's available or,
      // otherwise, an older approach which calls
      // Array.prototype.slice() to convert the
      // HTMLCollection into an Array:
      fieldArray = Array.from ? Array.from(fields) :, 0),

      // initialising an Object to store the
      // properties temporarily:
      store = {};

    // if every element in the array of elements has
    // a truthy trimmed value, or defaultValue, with
    // a length > 0 we go ahead:
    if (fieldArray.every(function(el) {
        return (el.value || el.defaultValue).trim().length;
      })) {
      // iterating over the fieldArray:
      fieldArray.forEach(function(input) {

        // if the value of the <input> element,
        // once trimmed (removing leading and
        // trailing white-space) has a length
        // greater than 0 (0 is falsey):
        if (input.value.trim().length) {

          // we set the key of of the value to
          // store to the id of the current
          // <input> element, and store the
          // value in the object with that key:
          store[] = input.value;

          // we also remove the 'error' class-
          // name if the element has that class:
        } else {

          // otherwise, we set the value to that
          // held in the defaultValue:
          input.value = input.defaultValue;

          // add the 'error' class-name:

          // and store the defaultValue in the
          // Object, since the Object itself
          // will overwrite the stored Object
          // so we need to explicitly re-store
          // the old value to prevent empty
          // entries:
          store[] = input.defaultValue;

      // here we store the data in localStorage with the
      // key of 'data' and the value as the JSON string
      // formed by the 'store' Object:
      window.localStorage.setItem('data', JSON.stringify(store));

      // otherwise, given that we have no pre-existing data to
      // store, we don't store any supplied data and we add an
      // 'error' class-name to each field that doesn't yet
      // hold a value (note that I'm not testing for validity
      // of values, simply existence):
    } else {

      // using Array.prototype.filter() to filter the Array
      // of elements to keep only those whose value, or
      // defaultValue, is 0 once it's trimmed:
      fieldArray.filter(function(el) {
        // removing the 'error' class-name from
        // each element:
        return (el.value || el.defaultValue).trim().length === 0;
      }).forEach(function(el) {
        // adding the 'error' class-name to each of the
        // elements that are retained from the filter:

    // purely for debuggging, so that you can see what's
    // being saved; remove this (obviously) once you're
    // happy:
    document.getElementById('result').textContent = window.localStorage.getItem('data');

  // the clear function, to allow the user to
  // empty/remove their stored data:
  'clear': function(e) {
    // again we use event.preventDefault() to
    // prevent the default action:

    // and then we clear the localStorage:

    // we could, instead, simply use:
    // window.localStorage.removeItem('data');
    // to do the same thing, but this will only
    // remove the 'data' item, and leave anything
    // and everything else; which seems like a
    // bad UI based on user-expectation.

    // clearing the visible data from the <form>
    // with which this <button> element was associated:

// binding the named functions (note the lack of parentheses) to
// the named events of the elements:
document.querySelector('#save').addEventListener('click', userData.set);
document.querySelector('#clear').addEventListener('click', userData.clear);

// calling the get() function on page-load:
var userData={
var data=window.localStorage.getItem('data');
如果(null==数据| |“未定义”==数据类型){
e、 预防默认值();
var fields=document.querySelectorAll(“#用户名、#名称、#电子邮件、#密码”),
返回(el.value | | el.defaultValue).trim().length;
})) {
return(el.value | | el.defaultValue).trim().length==0;
e、 预防
{"username":"hello89","name":"jane lim","password":"pass","email":""} 
// making an object comprised of functions,
// in order to group related functions together:
var userData = {
  'get': function() {
    // here we retrieve the stored data (stored with
    // the key of 'data'):
    var data = window.localStorage.getItem('data');

    // typically retrieving an item that doesn't exist
    // will store null as the value of the variable to
    // which that item should be assigned, but here we
    // check for undefined as well (just to be sure):
    if (null === data || 'undefined' === typeof data) {
      // we exit the function here, since there's nothing
      // to be done with an empty/null data variable:
      return false;
    } else {

      // otherwise, if we have data, then we pass that
      // JSON string to JSON.parse() to turn it into
      // an iterable object:
      data = JSON.parse(data);

    // we should have data at this point (since if we
    // we didn't we should have exited the function),
    // but I really like to be sure:
    if (data) {

      // retrieving an Array of keys from the data
      // object, and iterating over that array with
      // Array.prototype.forEach():
      Object.keys(data).forEach(function(key) {
        // 'key' : the first argument is a reference
        //         to the current array-element of
        //         the array of keys over which
        //         we're iterating.

        // we retrieve the element from the document with
        // the id matching the key, and assign the
        // defaultValue of that element to the stored
        // value from the data Object:
        document.getElementById(key).defaultValue = data[key];
  'set': function(e) {
    // because we're binding this function to an element
    // using addEventListener the even is passed through
    // automatically, therefore we call event.preventDefault()
    // to prevent the default action of the element,
    // for a button on a form element that default action
    // may cause a page reload, which we don't want:

    // finding the relevant form fields to be stored:
    var fields = document.querySelectorAll('#username, #name, #email, #password'),
      // converting the HTMLCollection returned from
      // document.querySelectorAll() into an Array,
      // using Array.from() if it's available or,
      // otherwise, an older approach which calls
      // Array.prototype.slice() to convert the
      // HTMLCollection into an Array:
      fieldArray = Array.from ? Array.from(fields) :, 0),

      // initialising an Object to store the
      // properties temporarily:
      store = {};

    // if every element in the array of elements has
    // a truthy trimmed value, or defaultValue, with
    // a length > 0 we go ahead:
    if (fieldArray.every(function(el) {
        return (el.value || el.defaultValue).trim().length;
      })) {
      // iterating over the fieldArray:
      fieldArray.forEach(function(input) {

        // if the value of the <input> element,
        // once trimmed (removing leading and
        // trailing white-space) has a length
        // greater than 0 (0 is falsey):
        if (input.value.trim().length) {

          // we set the key of of the value to
          // store to the id of the current
          // <input> element, and store the
          // value in the object with that key:
          store[] = input.value;

          // we also remove the 'error' class-
          // name if the element has that class:
        } else {

          // otherwise, we set the value to that
          // held in the defaultValue:
          input.value = input.defaultValue;

          // add the 'error' class-name:

          // and store the defaultValue in the
          // Object, since the Object itself
          // will overwrite the stored Object
          // so we need to explicitly re-store
          // the old value to prevent empty
          // entries:
          store[] = input.defaultValue;

      // here we store the data in localStorage with the
      // key of 'data' and the value as the JSON string
      // formed by the 'store' Object:
      window.localStorage.setItem('data', JSON.stringify(store));

      // otherwise, given that we have no pre-existing data to
      // store, we don't store any supplied data and we add an
      // 'error' class-name to each field that doesn't yet
      // hold a value (note that I'm not testing for validity
      // of values, simply existence):
    } else {

      // using Array.prototype.filter() to filter the Array
      // of elements to keep only those whose value, or
      // defaultValue, is 0 once it's trimmed:
      fieldArray.filter(function(el) {
        // removing the 'error' class-name from
        // each element:
        return (el.value || el.defaultValue).trim().length === 0;
      }).forEach(function(el) {
        // adding the 'error' class-name to each of the
        // elements that are retained from the filter:

    // purely for debuggging, so that you can see what's
    // being saved; remove this (obviously) once you're
    // happy:
    document.getElementById('result').textContent = window.localStorage.getItem('data');

  // the clear function, to allow the user to
  // empty/remove their stored data:
  'clear': function(e) {
    // again we use event.preventDefault() to
    // prevent the default action:

    // and then we clear the localStorage:

    // we could, instead, simply use:
    // window.localStorage.removeItem('data');
    // to do the same thing, but this will only
    // remove the 'data' item, and leave anything
    // and everything else; which seems like a
    // bad UI based on user-expectation.

    // clearing the visible data from the <form>
    // with which this <button> element was associated:

// binding the named functions (note the lack of parentheses) to
// the named events of the elements:
document.querySelector('#save').addEventListener('click', userData.set);
document.querySelector('#clear').addEventListener('click', userData.clear);

// calling the get() function on page-load: