Javascript 通过对象文本与模块模式、代码组织优势和;欺骗

Javascript 通过对象文本与模块模式、代码组织优势和;欺骗,javascript,Javascript,你更喜欢哪一种?它们的优缺点是什么?。 就我个人而言,我发现singleton很难阅读和维护,很多上下文更改(这),总是以通过var self=this(或者像$这样的代理)缓存正确的上下文结束(proxy)+我将始终有一个全局变量(singleton),而在第二种方法中,若模块不需要公开任何API,我可以避免创建全局变量 简单示例:(用户单击“添加到购物车”,一些ajax会被触发,并且成功创建html(通知) Html <div class="cart"> <a hr

你更喜欢哪一种?它们的优缺点是什么?。 就我个人而言,我发现singleton很难阅读和维护,很多上下文更改(这),总是以通过
var self=this


<div class="cart">
    <a href="#" data-product-id="200"> Add to cart </a>

虽然Singleton vs.Module Pattern是一个合理的问题,但根据您给出的示例,这个问题应该被改写为Singleton vs,因为这不是模块模式本身,而是模块模式所包含的生命,它让cruft远离您的


  var Cart = {
    settings: {
      // Your code ...



(function() {
    console.log('run this in your browser console')
var module = (function () {
    var privateScopeVar = 1 // scope of the IIF  

    // the 'this' context in this scope is the global object (e.g. window)

    // returns literal object who's method's scopes are lexically bound 
    // to the IIF scope
    return {
      publicMethod: () => privateScopeVar // publicMethod scope can access IIF scope 
var singleInstance = { firstName: 'Greg' }
var singleInstance = singleInstance || { firstName: 'Greg' }
const singleInstance = { 
    firstName: 'Greg', 
    called: false, 
    init: () => { 
        if (!this.called) {
            console.log('only once')
            this.called = true

// of course singleInstance.called = false; singleInstance.init() is always possible

(function() {
    console.log('run this in your browser console')
var module = (function () {
    var privateScopeVar = 1 // scope of the IIF  

    // the 'this' context in this scope is the global object (e.g. window)

    // returns literal object who's method's scopes are lexically bound 
    // to the IIF scope
    return {
      publicMethod: () => privateScopeVar // publicMethod scope can access IIF scope 
var singleInstance = { firstName: 'Greg' }
var singleInstance = singleInstance || { firstName: 'Greg' }
const singleInstance = { 
    firstName: 'Greg', 
    called: false, 
    init: () => { 
        if (!this.called) {
            console.log('only once')
            this.called = true

// of course singleInstance.called = false; singleInstance.init() is always possible

(function() {
    console.log('run this in your browser console')
var module = (function () {
    var privateScopeVar = 1 // scope of the IIF  

    // the 'this' context in this scope is the global object (e.g. window)

    // returns literal object who's method's scopes are lexically bound 
    // to the IIF scope
    return {
      publicMethod: () => privateScopeVar // publicMethod scope can access IIF scope 
var singleInstance = { firstName: 'Greg' }
var singleInstance = singleInstance || { firstName: 'Greg' }
const singleInstance = { 
    firstName: 'Greg', 
    called: false, 
    init: () => { 
        if (!this.called) {
            console.log('only once')
            this.called = true

// of course singleInstance.called = false; singleInstance.init() is always possible

(function() {
    console.log('run this in your browser console')
var module = (function () {
    var privateScopeVar = 1 // scope of the IIF  

    // the 'this' context in this scope is the global object (e.g. window)

    // returns literal object who's method's scopes are lexically bound 
    // to the IIF scope
    return {
      publicMethod: () => privateScopeVar // publicMethod scope can access IIF scope 
var singleInstance = { firstName: 'Greg' }
var singleInstance = singleInstance || { firstName: 'Greg' }
const singleInstance = { 
    firstName: 'Greg', 
    called: false, 
    init: () => { 
        if (!this.called) {
            console.log('only once')
            this.called = true

// of course singleInstance.called = false; singleInstance.init() is always possible
