Javascript 基于URL从数组中随机显示

Javascript 基于URL从数组中随机显示,javascript,jquery,html,Javascript,Jquery,Html,我有一个图像数组,我想在我的页面上随机显示,但是如果图像扩展名与url扩展名匹配,它应该跳过数组中的某个条目并转到下一个条目。这是到目前为止我的代码 $(document).ready( function() { //$('.test a').append('<img class="img-responsive portfolio-item thumbnail" src="" alt="">'); var img


$(document).ready( function() {
    //$('.test a').append('<img class="img-responsive portfolio-item thumbnail" src="" alt="">');

    var imgs = ["img1.png","img2.png","img3.png","img4.png",]

    for ( var n=0; n < 4; n ++){
        var goImg = 'img/' +  imgs[n];
        n = parseInt(n);
        var pItem = 'pItem' +  (n + 1);
        $('#otherProjects').append('<div class="col-sm-3 col-xs-6">
            <a href="'+pItem+'.html">
                <img class="img-responsive portfolio-item thumbnail"
                src="'+goImg+'" alt=""> 




$(document).ready( function() {

            //array of all portfolio items
            var imgs = ["pItem1","pItem2","pItem3","pItem4","pItem5"]

            //gets the current portfolio page you are on
            var pathname = window.location.pathname.split('/').pop('');
            pathname = pathname.substr(0, pathname.lastIndexOf('.'));

            //checks the imgs array and deletes the current portfolio entry
            var imgs = $.grep(imgs, function(i){
                return(i !== pathname );


            //goes through the array and appends it to the page
            for ( var n=0; n < 4; n ++){

            var imgUrl = 'img/' +  imgs[n] +'.png';

            n = parseInt(n);
            var pItem = imgs[n]

            $('#otherProjects').append('<div class="col-sm-3 col-xs-6"><a href="'+pItem+'.html"><img class="img-responsive portfolio-item thumbnail" src="'+imgUrl+'" alt=""></a></div>');



您的问题是…?将url与数组中的条目匹配的最佳方式是什么?即url为projects/pItem1,数组中的对应项为img1。如果这两个匹配,那么数组应该跳过该条目并转到下一个条目。您硬编码了url。你将来会使用动态url吗?就目前而言,我认为它们将保持静态,而不是我想要的。让我试着更好地解释。我有一系列静态页面bare/pItem2.html、bare/pItem3.html等等。。。对应于数组img1=pItem1中的图像的。我需要循环遍历数组并显示数组中的一组随机图像,但是应该跳过与我们所在页面对应的图像。因此,如果我在pItem1.html页面上,它将显示img2、img3、img4,目的是在页面的按钮上显示其他投资组合项目,但不是我们当前所在的项目。详细解释您的问题。如何使用jQuery读取html url,例如bare/pItem1.html,并将其与数组中的变量进行比较。pItem1=img1。弹出匹配的img,生成一个随机数,然后返回该索引
$(document).ready( function() {

            //array of all portfolio items
            var imgs = ["pItem1","pItem2","pItem3","pItem4","pItem5"]

            //gets the current portfolio page you are on
            var pathname = window.location.pathname.split('/').pop('');
            pathname = pathname.substr(0, pathname.lastIndexOf('.'));

            //checks the imgs array and deletes the current portfolio entry
            var imgs = $.grep(imgs, function(i){
                return(i !== pathname );


            //goes through the array and appends it to the page
            for ( var n=0; n < 4; n ++){

            var imgUrl = 'img/' +  imgs[n] +'.png';

            n = parseInt(n);
            var pItem = imgs[n]

            $('#otherProjects').append('<div class="col-sm-3 col-xs-6"><a href="'+pItem+'.html"><img class="img-responsive portfolio-item thumbnail" src="'+imgUrl+'" alt=""></a></div>');

