Javascript 防止重复的$.ajax({dataType:'script'})导致内存泄漏

Javascript 防止重复的$.ajax({dataType:'script'})导致内存泄漏,javascript,jquery,performance,memory-leaks,dynamic-script-loading,Javascript,Jquery,Performance,Memory Leaks,Dynamic Script Loading,我正在编写一个本地运行的小web应用程序,希望能够间歇性地访问网络。考虑到这一点,我正在检查外部依赖项Google Maps是否无法加载,并在10秒后重试。简要概述: // Assume the worst var mapsSuccess = false; // Only gets invoked by maps success function initialize(){ // Set the flag to prevent continuous recursion of the pre

我正在编写一个本地运行的小web应用程序,希望能够间歇性地访问网络。考虑到这一点,我正在检查外部依赖项Google Maps是否无法加载,并在10秒后重试。简要概述:

// Assume the worst
var mapsSuccess = false;

// Only gets invoked by maps success
function initialize(){
  // Set the flag to prevent continuous recursion of the previous function
  mapsSucess = true;

  /* application init */

// Invoke immediately
( function mapsCall(){
  // Maybe we don't need this...
  if( mapsSuccess === true ){

  $.ajax( {
    cache    : true,
    dataType : 'script',
    // `callback` param specifies function to call on successful execution
    url      : googleMapsUri + '&callback=initialize'
  } );

  // Run this function again in 10 seconds to see if we succeeded
  setTimeout( mapsCall, 10000 )
}() );



$( 'script[async][src*="callback=initialize"]' ).off().remove();