Javascript 在Jest中为es6类的静态方法创建mock实现

Javascript 在Jest中为es6类的静态方法创建mock实现,javascript,unit-testing,mocking,jestjs,Javascript,Unit Testing,Mocking,Jestjs,我正在测试一个函数,该函数在内部从es6类控制器调用一个静态方法,该控制器返回API获取的结果。因为我正在编写一个单元测试,并且控制器有自己的测试,所以我想从技术上模拟类中的静态方法,以给我不同类型的响应 // Controller.js class Controller { static async fetchResults() {} // the method I want to fake } 这种伪造静态异步fetchResults的尝试没有任何作用,测试尝试调用原始控制器的fetc


// Controller.js
class Controller {
  static async fetchResults() {} // the method I want to fake


import Controller from './Controller.js'

describe('when data is successfuly fetched', () => {
  Controller.mockImplementation(jest.fn(() => ({
    fetchHotel: () => { ...mockResponse, ...otherStuff }

  it('returns correct information', async () => {
    expect(await func(context)).toEqual({ ...mockResponse, ...otherStuff });



导出类控制器{ 静态异步fetchresultsrl{ 返回{result:'real result'}; } } func.js:

从“./Controller”导入{Controller}; const func=async ctx=>{ const data=await Controller.fetchresultstx.req.url; //做些逻辑分析 返回{…数据}; }; 导出{func}; func.test.js:

从“./Controller”导入{Controller}; 从“/func”导入{func}; 描述'60776211',=>{ 它“应该通过”,异步=>{ const fetchResultsSpy=jest.spyOnController'fetchResults'。mockResolvedValueOnce{result:'fake data'}; const ctx={req:{url:''}; 常量实际值=等待函数x; expectactual.toEqual{result:'假数据'}; fetchResultsSpy.mockRestore; }; }; 单元测试结果和覆盖率报告:

通过stackoverflow/60776211/func.test.ts 60776211 ✓ 应该超过5毫秒 --------|-----|-----|-----|-----|---------- 文件|%Stmts |%Branch |%Funcs |%Lines |未覆盖的行 --------|-----|-----|-----|-----|---------- 所有文件| 91.67 | 100 | 75 | 88.89 | controller.ts | 80 | 100 | 50 | 75 | 3 函数ts | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | --------|-----|-----|-----|-----|---------- 测试套件:1个通过,共1个 测试:1项通过,共1项 快照:共0个 时间:4.922s,估计11s
// func.test.js
describe('when data is successfuly fetched', () => {
  jest.mock('./Controller.js', () => jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({
    fetchResults: jest.fn(() => mockResponse),

  it('returns correct information', async () => {
    expect(await func(context)).toEqual({ ...mockResponse, ...otherStuff });
import Controller from './Controller.js'

describe('when data is successfuly fetched', () => {
  Controller.mockImplementation(jest.fn(() => ({
    fetchHotel: () => { ...mockResponse, ...otherStuff }

  it('returns correct information', async () => {
    expect(await func(context)).toEqual({ ...mockResponse, ...otherStuff });