Javascript 只有ngRepeat中的第一个元素才设置动画

Javascript 只有ngRepeat中的第一个元素才设置动画,javascript,angularjs,Javascript,Angularjs,如果我在应用程序中加载异步数据。NgRepeat仅为数组中的第一个元素设置动画 html: 在本例中,我使用$timeout来模拟异步数据源 这是为什么 谢谢 我猜这是一个已经修复的bug。自1.2.*版本发布以来,动画模块已进行了大量更改 这是git中嵌入动画模块的最新来源,问题已经解决了。如果您需要此功能,那么最好使用最新的源加载到自己版本的动画模块中 查找“src/ngAnimate/animate.js”以查看对模块的所有更改 Ignore - needed to get the fi









Ignore - needed to get the fiddle link to work i get the motivation
behind requiring code along with a fiddle but in this case it actually makes
little sense the only modification made to the original was the addition of
1600 lines of code taken from the latest version of the module. I'm not
putting that in here.

code.angularjs.org的1.3.0-beta.5版也适用于我。你能在github上为此创建一个问题并引用@matsko吗?我正试图找到一个具体的例子来说明这一点。 {
    -webkit-transition: all 2s ease;
    transition: all 2s ease;
    opacity: 0;
    top: 20px;
} {
    -webkit-transition-delay: 0.2s;
    transition-delay: 0.2s;
} {
    opacity: 1;
    top: 0;
Ignore - needed to get the fiddle link to work i get the motivation
behind requiring code along with a fiddle but in this case it actually makes
little sense the only modification made to the original was the addition of
1600 lines of code taken from the latest version of the module. I'm not
putting that in here.