Javascript 从querySelectorAll输出中移除锚定

Javascript 从querySelectorAll输出中移除锚定,javascript,Javascript,要从中获取图书列表,我在firefox DevTools的控制台中使用以下代码: var select = document.querySelectorAll(" div h3 b"); for (i = 0; i < select.length; ++i) { var title = select[i].querySelectorAll("u, a")[0]; console.lo

要从中获取图书列表,我在firefox DevTools的控制台中使用以下代码:

var select =  document.querySelectorAll(" div h3 b");

for (i = 0; i < select.length; ++i) {
  var title =  select[i].querySelectorAll("u, a")[0];
  console.log (title.innerHTML);
var select=document.querySelectorAll(“ div h3 b”);

Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Corman
Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick &amp; Kevin Wayne
The Algorithm Design Manual by Steve S. Skiena
Algorithm for Interviews
5. Algorithm in Nutshell debugger eval code:5:13
6. Algorithm Design by Kleinberg &amp; Tardos debugger eval code:5:13
<a href="" target="_blank">7. Introduction to Algorithms: A Creative Approach</a>
7. Introduction to Algorithms: A Creative Approach debugger
8. The Design and Analysis of Algorithms debugger eval code:5:13
9. Data Structures and Algorithms. Aho, Ullman &amp; Hopcroft debugger eval code:5:13
10. Python Algorithms: Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language debugger eval code:5:13
托马斯·H·科尔曼算法简介 Robert Sedgewick和;凯文韦恩 Steve S.Skiena的算法设计手册 面试算法 5.简而言之,算法调试器评估代码:5:13 6.Kleinberg&;Tardos调试器评估代码:5:13 7.算法简介:一种创造性的调试器方法 8.调试器eval代码5:13算法的设计与分析 9数据结构和算法。Aho、Ullman&;霍普克罗夫特调试器评估代码:5:13 10Python算法:掌握Python语言调试器中的基本算法eval代码:5:13 未定义

<a href="" target="_blank">7. Introduction to Algorithms: A Creative Approach</a>



以HTML的形式返回节点的内容。 用于除去HTML并仅获取其文本


var select =  document.querySelectorAll(" div h3 b");

for (i = 0; i < select.length; ++i) {
  var title =  select[i].querySelectorAll("u, a")[0];
  console.log (title.innerText);
var select=document.querySelectorAll(“ div h3 b”);