Javascript 它太大了,地理质心很容易落在我在上面的评论中设置的基本排除半径内。嗯,这件事我得再考虑一下。 function position_labels() { var centerPos = projection.invert([width / 2,

Javascript 它太大了,地理质心很容易落在我在上面的评论中设置的基本排除半径内。嗯,这件事我得再考虑一下。 function position_labels() { var centerPos = projection.invert([width / 2, ,javascript,d3.js,Javascript,D3.js,它太大了,地理质心很容易落在我在上面的评论中设置的基本排除半径内。嗯,这件事我得再考虑一下。 function position_labels() { var centerPos = projection.invert([width / 2, height / 2]); var arc = d3.geo.greatArc(); // update: update path projection before applying it to labels position

    function position_labels() {
  var centerPos = projection.invert([width / 2, height / 2]);

  var arc = d3.geo.greatArc();

  // update: update path projection before applying it to labels position
    .attr("transform", function(d) {

      return "translate(" + path.centroid(d) + ")";
    .style("display", function(d) {
      var d = arc.distance({
        source: path.centroid(d),
        target: centerPos
      return (d > 1.57) ? 'inline' : 'none';
.attr("id", function(d) { return' ').join('_'); })
    if ("#"' ').join('_')).attr('d') != null) {
       return 'inline';
    else {
       return 'none';
var country ="#"' ').join('_'));
// Exclude labels this far from center:
var r = 350;

 // Check to see if the country has a path visible as before
if (country.attr('d') != null) {

   // Then check to see if the bounding box 
   // for the country as drawn is far from center
   var BB = country.node().getBBox();
   var x = (BB.x + (BB.x + BB.width)) / 2;
   var y = (BB.y + (BB.y + BB.height)) / 2;

   if ( ( (width-x)*(width-x) + (height-y)*(height-y) ) < (r * r) ) { 
      // And ensure the geographic centroid is also not on the edge:
      center = path.centroid(d);
      x = center[0];
      y = center[1];
     if ( ( (width-x)*(width-x) + (height-y)*(height-y) ) < (r * r) ) { 
           return 'inline';  
     else {
           return 'none';
 else { return 'none'; }
 else { return 'none'; }