Javascript XHR在for循环中同时运行

Javascript XHR在for循环中同时运行,javascript,appcelerator,appcelerator-mobile,Javascript,Appcelerator,Appcelerator Mobile,所以我有一个for循环,它通过一个变量数组,并为每个变量打开一个新的XHR连接(将图像上传到服务器) 问题是,它在所有项目中循环,并在第一次上载完成之前运行下一次上载。如果一个人同时上传一大组文件,这并不理想 有没有办法强迫循环停止,直到XHR连接完成 谢谢 见 还有更多的讨论 在伪代码中,加入一点jQuery: Get list of files from upload dialog box For each File { create FormData object, append







Get list of files from upload dialog box
For each File {
    create FormData object, append File to it.
    create xhr object, set parameters (url, etc.)

    // This is the callback run whenever an upload job comletes
    xhr.onload = {  
        if there's another xhr upload queued {
            dequeue it
        if there's another entry in the completed queue {
            dequeue it
        } else {
            all uploads complete: tidy up
    // An extra to let the user know what's happening
    xhr.onprogress {
        update whatever progress bar we have
    // add jobs to two queues. The first queue contains the actual
    // upload jobs that are dequeued by the onload callback
    // Because uploads may not finish in the order they were started
    // we track the completed jobs in a second queue. The onload callback
    // also dequeues this, and if the queue is empty knows to tidy up.
    add xhr job to queue
    add no-op job to completed queue 
// at this point everything is queued. Start the process...
for (number of concurrent uploads) {
    dequeue an xhr job
// Sit back and wait... As the initial batch of xhr jobs complete
// their respective onload callbacks each start another upload job
// until they're all done. The last callback to execute turns out the lights...

此pseudcode取自我为image manager项目编写的文件上传程序的jQuery实现。它使用jQuery

Get list of files from upload dialog box
For each File {
    create FormData object, append File to it.
    create xhr object, set parameters (url, etc.)

    // This is the callback run whenever an upload job comletes
    xhr.onload = {  
        if there's another xhr upload queued {
            dequeue it
        if there's another entry in the completed queue {
            dequeue it
        } else {
            all uploads complete: tidy up
    // An extra to let the user know what's happening
    xhr.onprogress {
        update whatever progress bar we have
    // add jobs to two queues. The first queue contains the actual
    // upload jobs that are dequeued by the onload callback
    // Because uploads may not finish in the order they were started
    // we track the completed jobs in a second queue. The onload callback
    // also dequeues this, and if the queue is empty knows to tidy up.
    add xhr job to queue
    add no-op job to completed queue 
// at this point everything is queued. Start the process...
for (number of concurrent uploads) {
    dequeue an xhr job
// Sit back and wait... As the initial batch of xhr jobs complete
// their respective onload callbacks each start another upload job
// until they're all done. The last callback to execute turns out the lights...