Javascript 如何在解析xml文件时替换此处接收到的值

Javascript 如何在解析xml文件时替换此处接收到的值,javascript,jquery,Javascript,Jquery,我有以下xml文件 <categories> <category id="2" name="Pepsi" > <products> <product id="858" name="7UP" price="24.4900" /> <product id="860" name="Aquafina" price="24.4900" /> </products> </ca



  <category id="2" name="Pepsi" >
      <product id="858" name="7UP" price="24.4900" />
      <product id="860" name="Aquafina" price="24.4900" />

  <category id="4" name="Coke" >
      <product id="811" name="ThumpsUp" price="24.4900" />
      <product id="813" name="Maaza" price="24.4900" />



activateUi.newPanel.html(" \
                    <h3><a href='#'>First</a></h3> \
                    <div></div> \
                    <h3><a href='#'>Second</a></h3> \
                    <div></div> \
                    <h3><a href='#'>Third</a></h3><div></div>")


var names = []; //make an empty array to store the category names
$(xmldocu).find("category").each(function () {
    names.push($(this).attr('name')); //add each category name to the array

var activateUiHTML = $("<div></div>"); //make an empty div to store the new HTML
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
    // loop through each name, and create the desired markup for each category name
    activateUiHTML.append("<h3><a href='#'>" + names[i] + "</a></h3><div></div>");

activateUi.newPanel.html(activateUiHTML); //set the new markup as the html
var name=[]//创建一个空数组来存储类别名称
var activateUiHTML=$(“”)//创建一个空div来存储新的HTML
对于(var i=0;i
var names = []; //make an empty array to store the category names
$(xmldocu).find("category").each(function () {
    names.push($(this).attr('name')); //add each category name to the array

var activateUiHTML = $("<div></div>"); //make an empty div to store the new HTML
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
    // loop through each name, and create the desired markup for each category name
    activateUiHTML.append("<h3><a href='#'>" + names[i] + "</a></h3><div></div>");

activateUi.newPanel.html(activateUiHTML); //set the new markup as the html