Linux 在nasm上使用execvp

Linux 在nasm上使用execvp,linux,assembly,nasm,cpu-registers,execve,Linux,Assembly,Nasm,Cpu Registers,Execve,我现在正在学习NASM,可能是linux系统调用。我正试图复制一个进程并调用linux实用程序,但execvp也有同样的问题,我不知道如何向它传递参数。我怎样才能做到这一点 SECTION .data cmd_cat: db '/bin/cat', 0 arg_cat: db 'log.txt', 0 cat: dd cmd_cat, arg_cat, 0 fd1: dw 0, 0 pipe_error_message: db 'pipe error


    cmd_cat: db '/bin/cat', 0
    arg_cat: db 'log.txt', 0
    cat: dd cmd_cat, arg_cat, 0

     fd1: dw 0, 0
     pipe_error_message: db 'pipe error occured', 0xa
     pipe_error_message_length: equ $ - pipe_error_message

     fork_error_message: db 'fork error occured', 0xa
     fork_error_message_length: equ $ - fork_error_message
GLOBAL _start:
     ;call pipe(fd1)
     ;42 - pipe system call number
     mov eax, 42
     mov ebx, fd1

     ;call kernel to execute
     int 080h
     cmp eax, 0
     jne pipe_error

     ;call pipe(fd2)
      mov eax, 42
      mov ebx, fd1
      int 080h
      cmp eax, 0
      jne pipe_error

      mov eax, 2
      int 080h
      cmp eax, -1
      je fork_error
      jnz child_cat 
      call exit

 ;displays error message and finishes the programm when something is wrong with pipe
     mov edx, pipe_error_message_length
     mov ecx, pipe_error_message
     call sys_write
     call exit

 ;displays error message and finishes the programm when something is wrong with fork
      mov edx, fork_error_message_length
      mov ecx, fork_error_message
      call sys_write
      call exit

 ;sys_write(unsigned int fd, const char __user *buf, size_t count);
      mov ebx, 1               
      mov eax, 4               
      int 080h

      mov  eax,1
      mov  ebx,0
      int 080h

      mov ebx, [fd1]
      mov eax, 6
      int 080h

      mov ecx, 1
      mov ebx, [fds + 4]
      mov eax, 63
      int 080h

      mov eax, 11
      mov ebx, cmd_cat
      mov ecx, cat
      int 080h



    .global _start


    movl $0xb, %eax          # system call 0xb (execve) goes in eax

    movl $arg0, %ebx         # put the _address_ of the command string 
                             # in ebx (we are providing a pointer)

    movl $ptrarray, %ecx     # put the _address_ of the array of pointers 
                             # to arguments in ecx (again, a pointer)

    movl $0, %edx            # put a literal zero in edx (we don't have 
                             # environment variables to pass, so we give
                             # a null pointer)

    int $0x80                # run the system call


ptrarray:                    # This is the array of pointers to command line 
                             # arguments
    .long arg0, arg1, 0      # The first element is a _pointer_ to the command 
                             # The second element is a _pointer_ to an argument
                             # The third is a null pointer to indicate no more

arg0:                        # This is the command string
    .asciz "/bin/cat"
arg1:                        # This is the argument string
    .asciz "file.txt"

nameofptr times N dd 0
name of ptr dd 0,0,0,0,0…..
数组dd arg\u cat,cmd\u cat,0