Macros 无法使用RSF机箱中的宏

Macros 无法使用RSF机箱中的宏,macros,rust,Macros,Rust,我有一个项目试图使用以下宏: 编译时,会出现如下错误: <rsfuzzy macros>:3:22: 3:41 error: failed to resolve. Use of undeclared type or module `fuzzy::mf` [E0433] <rsfuzzy macros>:3 let mut vars : Vec < fuzzy:: mf:: MfType > = Vec:: new ( ) ; $ ( 当我使用所建议的“ex



<rsfuzzy macros>:3:22: 3:41 error: failed to resolve. Use of undeclared type or module `fuzzy::mf` [E0433]
<rsfuzzy macros>:3 let mut vars : Vec < fuzzy:: mf:: MfType > = Vec:: new (  ) ; $ (
当我使用所建议的“extern板条箱rsfuzzy as fuzzy”时,我会得到另一个错误列表:

failed to resolve. Use of undeclared type or module `TXParserError` [E0433]at line 9 col 1 in <rsfuzzy macros>
unresolved name `TXParserError::from_complex` [E0425]at line 9 col 1 in <rsfuzzy macros>


failed to resolve. Use of undeclared type or module `TXParserError` [E0433]at line 9 col 1 in <rsfuzzy macros>
unresolved name `TXParserError::from_complex` [E0425]at line 9 col 1 in <rsfuzzy macros>
macro_rules! fz_input_var {
    ( $( $x:expr ),* ) => {
            let mut vars: Vec<fuzzy::mf::MfType> = Vec::new();
                let value = match $x.0 {
                    "triangle" => fuzzy::mf::Triangle::new($x.1, $x.2),
                    "trapezoid" => fuzzy::mf::Trapezoid::new($x.1, $x.2),
                    "up" => fuzzy::mf::Up::new($x.1, $x.2),
                    "down" => fuzzy::mf::Down::new($x.1, $x.2),
                    _ => return Err(TXParserError::from_complex("No MF found for type", $x.0))


extern crate rsfuzzy as fuzzy;