Matlab 如何正确计算两个向量中的匹配对数 请让我们考虑这个代码 function averageentropy=calculate(f,y) count1=0; count0=0; n=length(f); n1=0; n0=0; entrop1=0; entrop2=0; bigp=sum(f)/n; indf1 = f == 1; indf0 = ~indf1 ; indy1 = y == 1; indy0 = ~indy1 ; count1 = sum(indf1 & indy1) ; count0 = sum(indf0 & indy0) ; n1 = sum(indf1); n0 = sum(indf0); smallpplus=count1/n1; smallpminus=count0/n0; if smallpplus==0 || (1-smallpplus==0) entrop1=0; else entrop1=-smallpplus*log2(smallpplus)-(1- smallpplus)*log2(1- smallpplus); end if smallpminus==0 || (1-smallpminus==0) entrop2=0; else entrop2=-smallpminus*log2(smallpminus)-(1- smallpminus)*log2(1- smallpminus); end averageentropy=bigp*entrop1+(1-bigp)*entrop2; end 我要下面的事情,首先考虑F2和Y的数据。 f2 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1

Matlab 如何正确计算两个向量中的匹配对数 请让我们考虑这个代码 function averageentropy=calculate(f,y) count1=0; count0=0; n=length(f); n1=0; n0=0; entrop1=0; entrop2=0; bigp=sum(f)/n; indf1 = f == 1; indf0 = ~indf1 ; indy1 = y == 1; indy0 = ~indy1 ; count1 = sum(indf1 & indy1) ; count0 = sum(indf0 & indy0) ; n1 = sum(indf1); n0 = sum(indf0); smallpplus=count1/n1; smallpminus=count0/n0; if smallpplus==0 || (1-smallpplus==0) entrop1=0; else entrop1=-smallpplus*log2(smallpplus)-(1- smallpplus)*log2(1- smallpplus); end if smallpminus==0 || (1-smallpminus==0) entrop2=0; else entrop2=-smallpminus*log2(smallpminus)-(1- smallpminus)*log2(1- smallpminus); end averageentropy=bigp*entrop1+(1-bigp)*entrop2; end 我要下面的事情,首先考虑F2和Y的数据。 f2 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1,matlab,entropy,Matlab,Entropy,及 我想计算以下步骤 1.计算bigp,它等于f2中1的数量除以f2的长度,这个代码在这部分做得很好 我想计算y中1的个数,其中f2=1 2.1我将小p+定义为该数字除以f2中的数字1 3.我想计算y中1的个数,其中f2=0 3.1我将小p减定义为该数字除以f2的总数=0 最后我想计算平均熵,公式在代码中给出 应该得到的是0.47,但我得到的是0.4,pl;请帮我修一下 更新 我认为这一行应该是错误的 count1 = sum(indf1 & indy1) ; count0 = sum(



  • 我想计算y中1的个数,其中f2=1
  • 2.1我将小p+定义为该数字除以f2中的数字1





    更新 我认为这一行应该是错误的

    count1 = sum(indf1 & indy1) ;
    count0 = sum(indf0 & indy1) ;

    count0 = sum(indf0 & indy1) 
    count0 =





    Option Explicit
    Function calculateEntropy(f, y)
    Dim indf1(), indf0(), indy1(), indy0()
    Dim count0, count1
    Dim n, n0, n1, ii
    Dim entrop1, entrop2
    Dim bigp, littlep, smallPplus, smallPminus
    count1 = 0
    count0 = 0
    n = UBound(f)
    ReDim indf1(1 To n)
    ReDim indf0(1 To n)
    ReDim indy1(1 To n)
    ReDim indy0(1 To n)
    n1 = 0
    n0 = 0
    entrop1 = 0
    entrop2 = 0
    count1 = 0
    count0 = 0
    bigp = WorksheetFunction.Sum(f) / n
    For ii = 1 To n
      If (f(ii) = 1) Then
        indf1(ii) = 1
        indf0(ii) = 0
        indf1(ii) = 0
        indf0(ii) = 1
      End If
      If (y(ii) = 1) Then
        indy1(ii) = 1
        indy0(ii) = 0
        indy1(ii) = 0
        indy0(ii) = 1
      End If
    Next ii
    For ii = 1 To n
      n1 = n1 + indf1(ii)
      n0 = n0 + indf0(ii)
      If (indf1(ii) = 1 And indy1(ii) = 1) Then count1 = count1 + 1
      If (indf1(ii) = 0 And indy0(ii) = 0) Then count0 = count0 + 1
    Next ii
    smallPplus = count1 / n1
    smallPminus = count0 / n0
    If smallPplus = 0 Or (1 - smallPplus) = 0 Then
      entrop1 = 0
      entrop1 = -smallPplus * Log(smallPplus) - (1 - smallPplus) * Log(1 - smallPplus)
    End If
    If smallPminus = 0 Or (1 - smallPminus) = 0 Then
      entrop2 = 0
      entrop2 = -smallPminus * Log(smallPminus) - (1 - smallPminus) * Log(1 - smallPminus)
    End If
    ' note - have to divide whole thing by Log(2) since VBA does not have LOG2() function built in)
    calculateEntropy = (bigp * entrop1 + (1 - bigp) * entrop2) / Log(2)
    End Function
    Sub test()
    Dim f()
    Dim y()
    f = Array(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1)
    y = Array(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    MsgBox "entropy is " & calculateEntropy(f, y)
    End Sub

    Option Explicit
    Function calculateEntropy(f, y)
    Dim indf1(), indf0(), indy1(), indy0()
    Dim count0, count1
    Dim n, n0, n1, ii
    Dim entrop1, entrop2
    Dim bigp, littlep, smallPplus, smallPminus
    count1 = 0
    count0 = 0
    n = UBound(f)
    ReDim indf1(1 To n)
    ReDim indf0(1 To n)
    ReDim indy1(1 To n)
    ReDim indy0(1 To n)
    n1 = 0
    n0 = 0
    entrop1 = 0
    entrop2 = 0
    count1 = 0
    count0 = 0
    bigp = WorksheetFunction.Sum(f) / n
    For ii = 1 To n
      If (f(ii) = 1) Then
        indf1(ii) = 1
        indf0(ii) = 0
        indf1(ii) = 0
        indf0(ii) = 1
      End If
      If (y(ii) = 1) Then
        indy1(ii) = 1
        indy0(ii) = 0
        indy1(ii) = 0
        indy0(ii) = 1
      End If
    Next ii
    For ii = 1 To n
      n1 = n1 + indf1(ii)
      n0 = n0 + indf0(ii)
      If (indf1(ii) = 1 And indy1(ii) = 1) Then count1 = count1 + 1
      If (indf1(ii) = 0 And indy0(ii) = 0) Then count0 = count0 + 1
    Next ii
    smallPplus = count1 / n1
    smallPminus = count0 / n0
    If smallPplus = 0 Or (1 - smallPplus) = 0 Then
      entrop1 = 0
      entrop1 = -smallPplus * Log(smallPplus) - (1 - smallPplus) * Log(1 - smallPplus)
    End If
    If smallPminus = 0 Or (1 - smallPminus) = 0 Then
      entrop2 = 0
      entrop2 = -smallPminus * Log(smallPminus) - (1 - smallPminus) * Log(1 - smallPminus)
    End If
    ' note - have to divide whole thing by Log(2) since VBA does not have LOG2() function built in)
    calculateEntropy = (bigp * entrop1 + (1 - bigp) * entrop2) / Log(2)
    End Function
    Sub test()
    Dim f()
    Dim y()
    f = Array(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1)
    y = Array(1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    MsgBox "entropy is " & calculateEntropy(f, y)
    End Sub