
将mongoDb盒带添加到OpenShift时出错,mongodb,openshift,Mongodb,Openshift,将mongoDb(2.4)盒带添加到我的OpenShift应用程序的过程似乎工作正常,但最终出现错误,没有添加盒带。这看起来像是一个磁盘空间问题(我已经在同一个应用程序中使用了mysql),但我释放了大量的空间,奇怪的是,这个问题只出现在安装的最后。以下是日志(隐藏登录详细信息): 你知道怎么解决吗?谢谢是的,根据日志,您似乎已经消耗了大部分1GB磁盘空间。1 GB磁盘空间被所有应用程序盒带和存储器占用。您使用的是哪种web盒带?可以使用quota-s命令检查磁盘空间使用情况吗。SSH进入app



是的,根据日志,您似乎已经消耗了大部分1GB磁盘空间。1 GB磁盘空间被所有应用程序盒带和存储器占用。您使用的是哪种web盒带?可以使用
rhc ssh--app--command'quota-s'
rhc tidy--app

Starting MongoDB cartridge
note: noprealloc may hurt performance in many applications
Sat May  3 19:38:54.847 [initandlisten] MongoDB starting : pid=389973 port=2701
dbpath=/var/lib/openshift/5c0013917b4d45c68fddbb75e082a35a/mongodb/data/ 64-bit host=ex-std-node94.prod.rhcloud.com
Sat May  3 19:38:54.848 [initandlisten] db version v2.4.6
Sat May  3 19:38:54.848 [initandlisten] git version: nogitversion
Sat May  3 19:38:54.848 [initandlisten] build info: Linux x86-023.build.eng.bos.redhat.com 2.6.18-371.el5 #1 SMP Thu Sep 5 21:21:44 EDT 2013 x86_64 BOOST_LIB_VERSION=1_41
Sat May  3 19:38:54.849 [initandlisten] allocator: tcmalloc
Sat May  3 19:38:54.849 [initandlisten] options: { auth: true, bind_ip: "", config: "/tmp/mongodb.repair.conf", dbpath: "/var/lib/openshift/5c0013917b4d45c68fddbb75e082a35a/mongodb/data/", nohttpinterface: "true", noprealloc: "true", pidfilepath: "/var/lib/openshift/5c0013917b4d45c68fddbb75e082a35a/mongodb/pid/mongodb.pid", quiet: "true", repair: true, smallfiles: "true" }
You specified --repair but there are dirty journal files. Please
restart without --repair to allow the journal files to be replayed.
If you wish to repair all databases, please shutdown cleanly and
run with --repair again.
Sat May  3 19:38:54.865 [initandlisten] exception in initAndListen: 12596 old lock file,    terminating
Sat May  3 19:38:54.866 dbexit: 
Sat May  3 19:38:54.866 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close listening sockets...
Sat May  3 19:38:54.866 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to flush diaglog...
Sat May  3 19:38:54.867 [initandlisten] shutdown: going to close sockets...
Sat May  3 19:38:54.867 [initandlisten] shutdown: waiting for fs preallocator...
Sat May  3 19:38:54.867 [initandlisten] shutdown: closing all files...
Sat May  3 19:38:54.867 [initandlisten] closeAllFiles() finished
Sat May  3 19:38:54.868 dbexit: really exiting now
Warning: Gear 5c0013917b4d45c68fddbb75e082a35a is using 98.9% of disk quota
Warning: Gear 5c0013917b4d45c68fddbb75e082a35a is using 97.3% of disk quota
Attempting to repair MongoDB ...

MongoDB 2.4 database added.  Please make note of these credentials:

Root User:     ------------
Root Password: ------------
Database Name: ------------

Failed to execute: 'control start' for   /var/lib/openshift/5c0013917b4d45c68fddbb75e082a35a/mongodb