
如何将scala.js与mySQL数据库连接?,mysql,scala.js,Mysql,Scala.js,如何使用mySQL数据库连接Scala.js控制器方法 这就是我到目前为止所做的: 案例类datauser\u d:String,udid:String,image:String 对象mysqlDAO{ def findByIdudid:Long:选项[数据]={ val connection=DriverManager.getConnectionjdbc:mysql://localhost:3307/umo根 试一试{ val语句=connection.prepareStatementsele



案例类datauser\u d:String,udid:String,image:String 对象mysqlDAO{ def findByIdudid:Long:选项[数据]={ val connection=DriverManager.getConnectionjdbc:mysql://localhost:3307/umo根 试一试{ val语句=connection.prepareStatementselect*从udid=? statement.setLong1,udid val rs=语句.executeQuery 如果是下一个 选项新建数据rs.getString1、rs.getString2、rs.getString3 其他的 选项1.empty }最后{ 连接。关闭 } } }
first of all you can create the case class in Model package then u can create object and serialize the your case class Data 


    case class Data(user_id: String, id: String, image: String)

    object Data {
    /*   this one is the serialization of the data*/
      implicit val DataWrites = new Writes[Data] {
        def writes(json_write: Data): JsValue = {
            "user_id" -> json_write.user_id,
            "id" -> json_write.id,
            "image" -> json_write.image

      val simple = {
        get[String]("user.user_id") ~
          get[String]("user.id") ~
          get[String]("user.image") map {
            case user_id ~ id ~ image =>
              Data(user_id, id, image)
      /*to get the data */
      def find(udid: String): Option[Data] = {
        DB.withConnection { implicit connection =>
          SQL(ConstantSQL.GET_DETAILS).on('uid -> id).as(Data.simple.singleOpt)


    //query for to get the data based on the uid
     val GET_DETAILS = """select * from user_image where uid = ?"""

    then u can create your own controller method


    var uDetails = Data.find(uid)

    use the above line to get the data in your class