如何在mysql 5.7中使用分区求和(withhout window函数)

如何在mysql 5.7中使用分区求和(withhout window函数),mysql,sql,window-functions,mysql-5.7,Mysql,Sql,Window Functions,Mysql 5.7,我想知道MySQL5.7引擎是如何工作的,与“部分求和”相同。 无法替换查询引擎,因为它不是个人操作 有人试图通过@set变量函数来解决这个问题,但我发现很难为这四列中的每一列获得累积和 我查看了下面的链接,但它有点难以解决。 我的桌子 id a b c d ---------------------------- abs 1 0 0 1 abs 0 1 1 0 abs 1

我想知道MySQL5.7引擎是如何工作的,与“部分求和”相同。 无法替换查询引擎,因为它不是个人操作




id      a      b     c     d
abs     1      0     0     1
abs     0      1     1     0
abs     1      0     1     0
abs     1      1     1     1
qwe     0      0     0     0
qwe     0      0     0     1
qwe     1      0     1     0
qwe     1      1     0     1
trx     0      1     1     0
trx     1      1     0     0

id      a      b     c     d
abs     1      0     0     1
abs     1      1     1     1
abs     2      1     2     1
abs     3      2     3     2
qwe     0      0     0     0
qwe     0      0     0     1
qwe     1      0     1     1
qwe     2      1     1     2
trx     0      1     1     0
trx     1      2     1     0




select t.*,
       (@a := if(@id = id, @a + a, 0)) as a,
       (@b := if(@id = id, @b + b, 0)) as b,
       (@c := if(@id = id, @c + c, 0)) as c,
       (@d := if(@id = id, @d + d, 0)) as d,
       @id := id
from (select t.*
      from t
      order by t.id, ?  -- column for the ordering
     ) t cross join
     (select @id := -1, @a := 0, @b := 0, @c := 0 @d := 0) params;

select t.id,
       (select sum(t2.a) from t t2 where t2.id = t.id and t2.? <= t.?) as a,
       (select sum(t2.b) from t t2 where t2.id = t.id and t2.? <= t.?) as b,
       (select sum(t2.c) from t t2 where t2.id = t.id and t2.? <= t.?) as c,
       (select sum(t2.d) from t t2 where t2.id = t.id and t2.? <= t.?) as d
from t;



select t.*,
       (@a := if(@id = id, @a + a, 0)) as a,
       (@b := if(@id = id, @b + b, 0)) as b,
       (@c := if(@id = id, @c + c, 0)) as c,
       (@d := if(@id = id, @d + d, 0)) as d,
       @id := id
from (select t.*
      from t
      order by t.id, ?  -- column for the ordering
     ) t cross join
     (select @id := -1, @a := 0, @b := 0, @c := 0 @d := 0) params;

select t.id,
       (select sum(t2.a) from t t2 where t2.id = t.id and t2.? <= t.?) as a,
       (select sum(t2.b) from t t2 where t2.id = t.id and t2.? <= t.?) as b,
       (select sum(t2.c) from t t2 where t2.id = t.id and t2.? <= t.?) as c,
       (select sum(t2.d) from t t2 where t2.id = t.id and t2.? <= t.?) as d
from t;

感谢您以正确的方式更正问题@BarbarosÖzhan感谢您以正确的方式更正问题@BarbarosÖzhan谢谢!我会试试的,我有一个专栏要订购——嗨,戈登,我试过了,但没用。错误消息:t不存在,我想是因为表是我查询中的子查询@장수영 . . . t只是表名的占位符,问题中没有提到。谢谢!我会试试的,我有一个专栏要订购——嗨,戈登,我试过了,但没用。错误消息:t不存在,我想是因为表是我查询中的子查询@장수영 . . . t只是表名的占位符,问题中没有提到。