无法对电影数据集执行neo4j cypher查询

无法对电影数据集执行neo4j cypher查询,neo4j,cypher,graph-databases,Neo4j,Cypher,Graph Databases,我正在尝试使用neo4j中的movies数据集为下面的场景编写密码查询 Find the actors who DID NOT act with Hugo Weaving but acted with his co-stars, and SET a property act with value as didnot on those actors. 我写的问题是: MATCH (hugo:Person {name:"Hugo Weaving"})-[:ACTED_IN]-&


Find the actors who DID NOT act with Hugo Weaving but acted with his co-stars, and SET a property act with value as didnot on those actors.

MATCH (hugo:Person {name:"Hugo Weaving"})-[:ACTED_IN]->(m)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(coActors),
WHERE NOT (hugo)-[:ACTED_IN]->()<-[:ACTED_IN]-(cocoActors) AND hugo <> cocoActors
SET cocoActors.act= "didnot"
RETURN cocoActors

MATCH(hugo:Person{name:“hugo Weaving”})-[:ACTED_IN]->(m)(m2)()查询似乎运行良好,这里的问题是什么?