Networking 声波墙中的端口转发

Networking 声波墙中的端口转发,networking,firewall,portforwarding,Networking,Firewall,Portforwarding,我在服务器上托管网站,我的静态IP连接有问题 如何在sonic wall中进行端口转发 使用静态ip地址时,请使用向导!工作非常出色,将为您完成所有工作: 如果是手动操作,则需要执行以下操作: Add the static IP of the server to the Sonicwall as a Network Object. Create the allow rule to allow traffic from your external interface to the server

我在服务器上托管网站,我的静态IP连接有问题 如何在sonic wall中进行端口转发


Add the static IP of the server to the Sonicwall as a Network Object.
Create the allow rule to allow traffic from your external interface to the server on only the ports you want.
Create a NAT rule to NAT all traffic from the external interface to the internal networks subnet.