Networking 海龟在网络中选择路径

Networking 海龟在网络中选择路径,networking,hyperlink,netlogo,transport,Networking,Hyperlink,Netlogo,Transport,我在建模方面是个新手,我正在使用NetLogo,我已经创建了与海龟品种的链接,我称之为bstations。我想做的是让海龟(人)移动到一个中间站,但这是一个连接到他们想去的地方的链接 ask persons with [ starting_station = ["Station 4"]] ;;these [ let currentstation bstations-here let availabledestinations nobody ask curre


 ask persons with [ starting_station = ["Station 4"]] ;;these 

[ let currentstation bstations-here
   let availabledestinations nobody
   ask currentstation [ set availabledestinations link-neighbors ]
        let destination nobody
    ask availabledestinations [ if link-neighbors = bstations with [link-neighbors = bstations with [label = "Station 4"]] [ set destination self ]] *;; this is the code line that i am trying but it does not seem to work*
    if destination != nobody [ move-to destination] ]
