Node.js @hapi/动臂未返回正确错误,取而代之的是“;500:内部服务器错误“;

Node.js @hapi/动臂未返回正确错误,取而代之的是“;500:内部服务器错误“;,node.js,error-handling,google-authentication,hapi,google-auth-library-nodejs,Node.js,Error Handling,Google Authentication,Hapi,Google Auth Library Nodejs,@hapi/boom未返回代码中抛出的正确错误。 以下是代码示例: 控制器 async (request: IRequest, h: IResponse) => { .... // some logic const userInfo = await verify(email, authToken) if (!userInfo) throw Boom.unauthorized(`Unable to fetch user information`) .... some logic

@hapi/boom未返回代码中抛出的正确错误。 以下是代码示例:


async (request: IRequest, h: IResponse) => {
.... // some logic
   const userInfo = await verify(email, authToken)
   if (!userInfo) throw Boom.unauthorized(`Unable to fetch user information`)
.... some logic
   return h.response({ statusCode: 200, message: "Success", data })
} catch (error) {
   throw error

export async function verify(userEmail: string, token: string) {
   try {
    const ticket = await client.verifyIdToken({
       idToken: token,
       audience: clientId
    const payload = ticket.getPayload()
    if (!payload) throw Boom.unauthorized("Google authentication failed")
    const { sub: userId, name, email, aud, picture: profilePhoto } = payload
    if (!aud || aud !== clientId) throw Boom.unauthorized(`Invalid token for ${config.get("appName")}`)
    if (!email || email !== userEmail) throw Boom.unauthorized(`Invalid token for email ${userEmail}`)
    return { userId, name, profilePhoto, email }
 } catch (error) {
    throw error





Error 500字面意思是服务器中有错误。