Objective c 目标C:typedef';d一个块,在方法声明中使用它。我如何实现这一点?

Objective c 目标C:typedef';d一个块,在方法声明中使用它。我如何实现这一点?,objective-c,block,Objective C,Block,只是想控制住街区。我明白这个概念。它们就像函数指针,但实际上是对象;可以声明块变量并为其指定块值;像函数一样调用它;它们“在时间上被冻结”,因为缺少一个术语,当它们被执行时,等等。我已经创建了一些块,并以几种不同的格式成功地运行了它们,但是当涉及到在方法中使用它们时——无论是使用typedef还是不使用typedef——我遇到了很多麻烦。例如,我创建了一个对象接口,只是为了获得语法句柄。我几乎不知道如何实施它 // AnObject.h #import <Foundation/Found


// AnObject.h

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

// The idea with the block and the method below is for the block to take
// an int, multiply it by 3, and return a "tripled" int.  The method
// will then repeat: this process however many times the user wants via
// the howManyTimes parameter and return that value in the form of an int.

typedef int (^triple)(int);

@interface AnObject : NSObject
    int num;

-(int)repeat:(int)howManyTimes withBlock:(triple)someBlock;


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for (int i = 0; i < howManyTimes; i++)
            value = someBlock(value);



-(int)repeat:(int)howManyTimes withBlock:(triple)someBlock {
    for (int i = 0; i <= howManyTimes; i++) {
        int blockReturnValue = someBlock(i);
        // do something with blockReturnValue
-(int)repeat:(int)howManyTimes with block:(triple)someBlock{

因为(int i=0;i通过阅读您的问题,我理解,或者可能误解,您的意图是产生应用块n次的结果;例如,如果您应用三倍函数两次,您将得到原始值乘以9


@interface AnObject

typedef int (^monadic)(int); // an function which takes an int and return an int

- (int) repeat:(int)howManyTimes for:(int)value withBlock:(monadic)someBlock;


@implementation AnObject

- (int) repeat:(int)howManyTimes for:(int)value withBlock:(monadic)someBlock
   for (int i = 0; i < howManyTimes; i++)
      value = someBlock(value);

   return value;



@import Foundation;

typedef int(^MyBlockType)(int);

@implementation NSObject(extra)
+ (int)invokeBlock:(MyBlockType)block withArgument:(int)arg
    return block(arg);

int main() {
    @autoreleasepool {
        NSLog(@"executeBlock(3) returns %d",
              [NSObject invokeBlock:^(int param) { return param * param; } withArgument:3]);
    } return 0;
/********************  interface  ********************/

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

typedef int (^Tripler)(int);

@interface AnObject : NSObject

-(void)iterateFromOneTo:(int)number withBlock:(Tripler)triple;


/********************  implementation  ********************/

#import "AnObject.h"

@implementation AnObject

-(void)iterateFromOneTo:(int)number withBlock:(Tripler)triple {
    for (int i = 1; i <= number; i++) {
        NSLog(@"%d", triple(i));


/********************  main.m  ********************/

#import "AnObject.h"
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
        AnObject *obj = [[AnObject alloc] init];

        [obj iterateFromOneTo:5 withBlock:^(int number) {
            return number * 3;
    return 0;
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-(int)repeat:(int)howManyTimes withBlock:(triple)someBlock {
    for (int i = 0; i <= howManyTimes; i++) {
        int blockReturnValue = someBlock(i);
        // do something with blockReturnValue
@interface AnObject

typedef int (^monadic)(int); // an function which takes an int and return an int

- (int) repeat:(int)howManyTimes for:(int)value withBlock:(monadic)someBlock;


@implementation AnObject

- (int) repeat:(int)howManyTimes for:(int)value withBlock:(monadic)someBlock
   for (int i = 0; i < howManyTimes; i++)
      value = someBlock(value);

   return value;

AnObject *myObject = [AnObject new];

int z = [myObject repeat:5  
               withBlock: ^(int number)
                             return number * 3;
@import Foundation;

typedef int(^MyBlockType)(int);

@implementation NSObject(extra)
+ (int)invokeBlock:(MyBlockType)block withArgument:(int)arg
    return block(arg);

int main() {
    @autoreleasepool {
        NSLog(@"executeBlock(3) returns %d",
              [NSObject invokeBlock:^(int param) { return param * param; } withArgument:3]);
    } return 0;