Objective c 具有块作为参数的方法的函数头约定/预期样式

Objective c 具有块作为参数的方法的函数头约定/预期样式,objective-c,parameters,callback,Objective C,Parameters,Callback,我知道这与其说是一个技术问题,不如说是一个文体问题(这是一个次要问题),但我想知道,对于将块作为参数的方法(特别是如果块本身包含参数),是否有一个声明文档注释的现行约定 自从我开始使用Objective-C开发以来,每当我遇到这个问题时,我都会做以下工作: /** * This method does some awesome stuff and takes in a completion handler when it is * done. I am wondering how to f



 * This method does some awesome stuff and takes in a completion handler when it is 
 * done. I am wondering how to format the parameters of the completion block that is
 * passed in. I currently do this as I've written below, with the parameters of the
 * callback indented in line with the description of the callback itself.
 * @param completion - callback to be triggered upon success.
 *                     @param (NSArray *) - an array that holds many objects
 *                     @param (SOPost *)  - a post onto StackOverflow
- (void)someMethodWithBlock:(void (^)(NSArray *, SOPost *))completion {

    /* Function does whatever it's supposed to ... for example ... */
    NSArray *arr = [NSArray new];
    SOPost *post = [SOPost new];
    completion(arr, post);



//These blocks are pretty self explanatory but more complicated ones could warrant documentation.
typedef void(^CallbackBlock)(id object);
typedef void(^AsyncLoadingBlock)(CompletionBlock completion);
typedef NSArray*(^FilterBlock)(NSArray *objects);

- (void)someMethodWithCallback:(CallbackBlock)callback; //callback accepts a SomeClass*
- (void)loadStuffWithCallback:(CallbackBlock)callback; //callback accepts an NSArray* of SomeData*
- (NSArray *)arrayByFilteringWithBlock:(FilterBlock)filterBlock //returns a new array filtered using a FilterBlock

你的问题是关于如何格式化文档注释吗?是的!这是为了评论;我称之为“函数头”,但我猜它类似于“函数头描述”。具体来说,我想知道如何格式化回调的参数(@param NSArray*和@param SOPost*)。很抱歉给您带来混淆。我认为“函数头”应该替换为“文档注释”;你们能举一个打字的例子让未来的观众看到吗?是的,这对Objective-C来说似乎相当有效;你有在Javascript中使用回调并在那里记录它们的经验吗?恐怕没有,如果你需要与Javascript进行比较,请发一个新问题。不过,如果小心,“语言比较”问题很容易被标记为“过于宽泛”,并被否决。最好把你的问题局限于Javascript。