
当odoo11中pos中的“重新打印收据”按钮为真时,“账单”按钮不工作,odoo,odoo-10,odoo-11,pos,Odoo,Odoo 10,Odoo 11,Pos,下面是pos_restaurant/static/src/js/printbill.js中的代码, 单击bill按钮后,此函数正在调用 I am using odoo11. In pos module when I open the session, I can click `reprint receipt`, `bill`, `split` etc. buttons. When I click the `bill` button it is not show

下面是pos_restaurant/static/src/js/printbill.js中的代码, 单击bill按钮后,此函数正在调用

        I am using odoo11. In pos module when I open the session, I can click `reprint receipt`, `bill`, `split` etc. buttons. 

        When I click the `bill` button it is not showing the preview window if `reprint receipt` (backed name `iface_print_via_proxy` is true) is true.

        If I make this `iface_print_via_proxy` boolean field false it will show the bill preview.

        I checked in runbot also... The same thing happened in the runbot.

        Please, anyone help me rectify this issue...
        ---->>> in printbill.js
下面是pos_restaurant/static/src/js/printbill.js中的代码, 单击bill按钮后,此函数正在调用

        I am using odoo11. In pos module when I open the session, I can click `reprint receipt`, `bill`, `split` etc. buttons. 

        When I click the `bill` button it is not showing the preview window if `reprint receipt` (backed name `iface_print_via_proxy` is true) is true.

        If I make this `iface_print_via_proxy` boolean field false it will show the bill preview.

        I checked in runbot also... The same thing happened in the runbot.

        Please, anyone help me rectify this issue...
        ---->>> in printbill.js


