如何使用AppleScript阅读最新的Microsoft Outlook 2016邮件

如何使用AppleScript阅读最新的Microsoft Outlook 2016邮件,outlook,applescript,Outlook,Applescript,如何使用AppleScript显示Outlook 2016 for Mac中最新消息的内容 我可以这样做: tell application "Microsoft Outlook" return unread count of messages end tell 但我有一个错误: error "Microsoft Outlook got an error: Can’t get unread count of every message." number -1728 from unread

如何使用AppleScript显示Outlook 2016 for Mac中最新消息的内容


tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
   return unread count of messages
end tell

error "Microsoft Outlook got an error: Can’t get unread count of every message." number -1728 from unread count of every message


你就是这样做的。它将最新的消息内容写入“first message content.txt”

通过打开Apple脚本编辑器,然后选择文件>打开字典>Microsoft Outlook,您可以找到Outlook 2016的所有操作

on writeTextToFile(theText, theFile, overwriteExistingContent)

        -- Convert the file to a string
        set theFile to theFile as string

        -- Open the file for writing
        set theOpenedFile to open for access file theFile with write permission

        -- Clear the file if content should be overwritten
        if overwriteExistingContent is true then set eof of theOpenedFile to 0

        -- Write the new content to the file
        write theText to theOpenedFile starting at eof

        -- Close the file
        close access theOpenedFile

        -- Return a boolean indicating that writing was successful
        return true

        -- Handle a write error
    on error

        -- Close the file
            close access file theFile
        end try

        -- Return a boolean indicating that writing failed
        return false
    end try
end writeTextToFile

tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
    set theMessage to first item of (get current messages)
    get subject of theMessage
    set theContent to (content of theMessage)
end tell

set theFile to (((path to desktop folder) as string) & "first-message-content.txt")
writeTextToFile(theContent, theFile, true)