Parsing 解析json windows phone 7无法访问子项错误

Parsing 解析json windows phone 7无法访问子项错误,parsing,windows-phone-7,,Parsing,Windows Phone 7,,Json: 它返回错误:无法访问第行Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JProperty上的子值: { "song":"Trust_In_Me", "lyric":"How could I see You when I was so blind\u000aHow could I grasp You when I was far behind\u000aHow could I hear You when I was so deaf\u000aHow could I get



    "lyric":"How could I see You when I was so blind\u000aHow could I grasp You when I was far behind\u000aHow could I hear You when I was so deaf\u000aHow could I get up when I had been left\u000aBut You said don’t worry\u000aFor I’ve healed the blind man\u000aAnd I’ve set the captives free\u000aAnd You said don’t worry\u000aFor all you’ve gotta do\u000aIs put your trust in Me\u000aHow could I be clean when I was so dirty\u000aHow could I be made whole when I was torn apart\u000aMake me whole \u000aMake me whole\u000aMake me whole again\u000a",



new ydata { lyric = (string)v["lyric"], artist = (string)v["artist"], song = (string)v["song"], statusCod = (string)v["status"]};


new ydata { lyric = (string)v["lyric"], artist = (string)v["artist"], song = (string)v["song"], statusCod = (string)v["status"]};
        var o = JObject.Parse(c.Result);
            txtLyric.Text = (string)o["lyric"];
            lyricSongArtist.Text = "by " + (string)o["artist"];
            lyricSongName.Text = (string)o["song"];