Parsing Mips汇编计算器公式解析

Parsing Mips汇编计算器公式解析,parsing,assembly,mips,calculator,storing-data,Parsing,Assembly,Mips,Calculator,Storing Data,我正在做一个mips汇编语言类型的计算器。它得到一个方程作为数据,我必须解析方程并遵循PEMDAS(操作顺序)。我似乎不知道如何解析和存储字符串以便这样做。我知道你必须检查方程的十六进制值才能知道要解决什么数学问题,但不知道如何编写代码。同样,在我们乘以两个数字之后,如何将答案放回方程中,继续迭代。下面是我编写的一些代码,需要完成这项工作。这个等式只是一个例子。括号和指数不在本节中使用。由于这是程序集,我没有把我的确切代码放进去,因为那会有很多行,但我画了一个大纲,我需要修复或帮助,以及我拥有和


.globl division
.globl multiplication
.globl addition
.globl subtraction
.globl end
.globl PemdasOne
.globl PemdasTwo
.globl PemdasThree
.globl parse

a: .half 2
b: .half 3
c: .half 8
d: .half 35
exp: .asciiz "b:=26/a-c+b"

    (HELP!This is the part that needs work.) (HELP! Read and store     expression)
    (HELP! Create iterator to keep spot in the equation?)

    (HELP! Check if ascii value at iterator is * or /)
    (UNDERSTAND: if so branch or jump to math equation)
    (UNDERSTAND: if not branch or jump to pemdastwo)
    (HELP! check if ascii value at iterator is + or -, reiterate through equation with updated values after pemdasone is done with what it does)
    (UNDERSTAND: if so branch or jump to math equation)
    (UNDERSTAND: if not branch or jump to pemdasthree)
    (HELP! check if equation is completed. Store answer in variable b so it is updated from the input value to the answervalue.)
    (UNDERSTAND that if it is done jump to end label)

    (HELP! get number before the ascii value of * and fter the ascii value of * and store them in registers for the equation.)
    (UNDERSTAND: how to do the mathmatical operator with two numbers.)
    (HELP! store answer in equation so you can keep doing the equation)
    (UNDERSTAND: that jump or branch back to pemdasone)
    (All the math parts are the same help and understands just with new operator and jump and branch locations)
    (Same help and understands as divide and multiply except jump to pemdastwo)
    (Same as addition)
    (UNDERSTAND that you store the answer into the variable it tells you to)
    (HELP! with memory and where we stored the answer)

先用C、Java或其他熟悉的语言编写程序(使用尽可能少的库函数)。然后使用MIPS指令集引用(即MIPS32)将其转录到MIPS程序集中™ 程序员体系结构第二卷:MIPS32™ 指令集)。