Php 将我的paypal从一次性付款更改为paypal sub

Php 将我的paypal从一次性付款更改为paypal sub,php,paypal,Php,Paypal,因此,我有一个会员网站,用户需要每月支付x金额才能使用它,此时我已对其进行编码,以便他们需要每月结帐。当然,用户要求我更改此网站,以便自动支付。用户需要进入我的会员页面选择一个,然后接受1笔付款。我已经去贝宝,并作出了一个子按钮,但希望得到一些帮助,以添加到我目前的付款编码 <a class="cd-select" href="upgradeaccount.php?Popular=2">Select</a>


      <a class="cd-select" href="upgradeaccount.php?Popular=2">Select</a>

            if (isset($_GET['Popular'])) {

// Setup class
require_once('paypal.class.php');  // include the class file
$p = new paypal_class;             // initiate an instance of the class
$p->paypal_url = '';   // testing paypal url
//$p->paypal_url = '';     // paypal url

// setup a variable for this script (ie: '')
$this_script = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

// if there is not action variable, set the default action of 'process'
if (empty($_GET['action'])) $_GET['action'] = 'process';  

switch ($_GET['action']) {

   case 'process':      // Process and order...

      // There should be no output at this point.  To process the POST data,
      // the submit_paypal_post() function will output all the HTML tags which
      // contains a FORM which is submited instantaneously using the BODY onload
      // attribute.  In other words, don't echo or printf anything when you're
      // going to be calling the submit_paypal_post() function.

      // This is where you would have your form validation  and all that jazz.
      // You would take your POST vars and load them into the class like below,
      // only using the POST values instead of constant string expressions.

      // For example, after ensureing all the POST variables from your custom
      // order form are valid, you might have:
      // $p->add_field('first_name', $_POST['first_name']);
      // $p->add_field('last_name', $_POST['last_name']);

      $p->add_field('business', '');
      $p->add_field('return', $this_script.'?action=success');
      $p->add_field('cancel_return', $this_script.'?action=cancel');
      $p->add_field('notify_url', $this_script.'?action=ipn');
      $p->add_field('item_name', ' Popular Account Upgrade');
      $p->add_field('amount', '2.00');

      $p->submit_paypal_post(); // submit the fields to paypal
      //$p->dump_fields();      // for debugging, output a table of all the fields

   case 'success':      // Order was successful...

      // This is where you would probably want to thank the user for their order
      // or what have you.  The order information at this point is in POST 
      // variables.  However, you don't want to "process" the order until you
      // get validation from the IPN.  That's where you would have the code to
      // email an admin, update the database with payment status, activate a
      // membership, etc.  

      echo "<html><head><title>Success</title></head><body><h3>Thank you for your order.</h3>";
      foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { echo "$key: $value<br>"; }
      echo "</body></html>";

      // You could also simply re-direct them to another page, or your own 
      // order status page which presents the user with the status of their
      // order based on a database (which can be modified with the IPN code 
      // below).


   case 'cancel':       // Order was canceled...

      // The order was canceled before being completed.
 echo "sorry ";
      echo "<html><head><title>Canceled</title></head><body><h3>The order was canceled.</h3>";
      echo "</body></html>";


   case 'ipn':          // Paypal is calling page for IPN validation...

      // It's important to remember that paypal calling this script.  There
      // is no output here.  This is where you validate the IPN data and if it's
      // valid, update your database to signify that the user has payed.  If
      // you try and use an echo or printf function here it's not going to do you
      // a bit of good.  This is on the "backend".  That is why, by default, the
      // class logs all IPN data to a text file.

      if ($p->validate_ipn()) {

         // Payment has been recieved and IPN is verified.  This is where you
         // update your database to activate or process the order, or setup
         // the database with the user's order details, email an administrator,
         // etc.  You can access a slew of information via the ipn_data() array.

         // Check the paypal documentation for specifics on what information
         // is available in the IPN POST variables.  Basically, all the POST vars
         // which paypal sends, which we send back for validation, are now stored
         // in the ipn_data() array.

         // For this example, we'll just email ourselves ALL the data.
         echo"  worked";
         $subject = 'Instant Payment Notification - Recieved Payment';
         $to = '';    //  your email
         $body =  "An instant payment notification was successfully recieved\n";
         $body .= "from ".$p->ipn_data['payer_email']." on ".date('m/d/Y');
         $body .= " at ".date('g:i A')."\n\nDetails:\n";

         foreach ($p->ipn_data as $key => $value) { $body .= "\n$key: $value"; }
         mail($to, $subject, $body);



  $this->add_field('rm','2');           // Return method = POST
  $this->add_field('rm','2');           // Return method = POST
  $this->add_field('rm','2');           // Return method = POST