PHP使用while(mysql\u fetch\u数组)向数组添加值?

PHP使用while(mysql\u fetch\u数组)向数组添加值?,php,mysql,arrays,Php,Mysql,Arrays,我试图在从mysql查询获取数据后向数组添加值,这显然涉及while$x=mysql\u fetch\u array$MysqlQuery{},如下所示: $CheckTime = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM"); $dates = array(); while ($date = mysql_fetch_array($CheckTime)) { $DateInt =

我试图在从mysql查询获取数据后向数组添加值,这显然涉及while$x=mysql\u fetch\u array$MysqlQuery{},如下所示:

      $CheckTime = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM");
      $dates = array();
      while ($date = mysql_fetch_array($CheckTime)) {
        $DateInt = strtotime($date['Date']);
        //echo $DateInt . " ";
        $dates[] = $DateInt;
        echo $dates[1] . " ";


我建议您使用mysql\u fetch\u assoc,然后使用html/css样式水平或垂直显示日期。 对不起,如果我的答案是错误的选择

$CheckTime = mysqli_query($mysql_connection, "SELECT * FROM");
$dates = array();
while ($date = mysqli_fetch_assoc()($CheckTime)){ // Use mysqli_* for queries.
    $DateInt = strtotime($date['Date']); // This will show an UNIX timestamp
    $dates[] = $DateInt; // Fills the array with the timestamp.
您的问题是使用mysql\u fetch\u数组。然后尝试使用$date['date']。如果要将列名用作$date数组中的索引。您需要使用mysql\u fetch\u assoc



如果您使用下面的代码,它很可能会按预期工作。 仍然强烈建议切换到mysqli_*



    /* ==============================================
    This is the new way of connecting to database 
    using mysqli

    // Step #1 create credentiasl for database connection
    $host = ""; //type your host ex. localhost between the quotes
    $user = ""; //your username between the quotes
    $pass = ""; //your password between the quotes
    $db   = ""; //your database you are connecting to between the quotes

    // step #2 create connection to database
    $conn = new mysqli($host, $user, $pass, $db);

    //step #3 check and see if connection is working and error free
    if ($conn->error) {

        die("Could not connect to the database");

    } else{

        // create array dates
        $dates = array();

        // create select statement
        $CheckTime = ("SELECT * FROM");

        // query the the database using the connection
        $sql_CheckTime = $conn->query($CheckTime);

        // if rows available in table add them to array dates
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_CheckTime)) {

            $dates[] = $row;


        //optional uncomment bottom line to check if dates array has data will display as array on webpage
        // var_dump($dates); 

        // loop through array 
        foreach ($dates as $date){

            // echo out data you want to display. 'Date' = column name
            echo strtotime($date['Date']) . "<br>";



    /* ==============================================
    This is the new way of connecting to database 
    using mysqli

    // Step #1 create credentiasl for database connection
    $host = ""; //type your host ex. localhost between the quotes
    $user = ""; //your username between the quotes
    $pass = ""; //your password between the quotes
    $db   = ""; //your database you are connecting to between the quotes

    // step #2 create connection to database
    $conn = new mysqli($host, $user, $pass, $db);

    //step #3 check and see if connection is working and error free
    if ($conn->error) {

        die("Could not connect to the database");

    } else{

        // create array dates
        $dates = array();

        // create select statement
        $CheckTime = ("SELECT * FROM");

        // query the the database using the connection
        $sql_CheckTime = $conn->query($CheckTime);

        // if rows available in table add them to array dates
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_CheckTime)) {

            $dates[] = $row;


        //optional uncomment bottom line to check if dates array has data will display as array on webpage
        // var_dump($dates); 

        // loop through array 
        foreach ($dates as $date){

            // echo out data you want to display. 'Date' = column name
            echo strtotime($date['Date']) . "<br>";
