Php 安装适用于magento错误的speedbooster

Php 安装适用于magento错误的speedbooster,php,magento,Php,Magento,我正在尝试在testserver上安装 安装pear包时 [/home/USERNAME/public_html]# pear install /home/USERNAME/public_html/Speed_Booster-2.4.1.tgz 我得到以下错误: File "LICENSE.txt" in directory "<dir name="var">" has invalid role "magecommunity", should be one of cfg, data



[/home/USERNAME/public_html]# pear install /home/USERNAME/public_html/Speed_Booster-2.4.1.tgz

File "LICENSE.txt" in directory "<dir name="var">" has invalid role "magecommunity", should be one of cfg, data, doc, php, script, test, www
File "Observer.php" in directory "<dir name="Page">" has invalid role "magecommunity", should be one of cfg, data, doc, php, script, test, www
File "Observer.php" in directory "<dir name="Block">" has invalid role "magecommunity", should be one of cfg, data, doc, php, script, test, www
File "Page.php" in directory "<dir name="Model">" has invalid role "magecommunity", should be one of cfg, data, doc, php, script, test, www
File "Block.php" in directory "<dir name="Model">" has invalid role "magecommunity", should be one of cfg, data, doc, php, script, test, www
File "config.xml" in directory "<dir name="etc">" has invalid role "magecommunity", should be one of cfg, data, doc, php, script, test, www
File "Page.php" in directory "<dir name="Block">" has invalid role "magecommunity", should be one of cfg, data, doc, php, script, test, www
File "Block.php" in directory "<dir name="Block">" has invalid role "magecommunity", should be one of cfg, data, doc, php, script, test, www
File "LICENSE.txt" in directory "<dir name="var">" has invalid role "magecommunity", should be one of cfg, data, doc, php, script, test, www
File "Observer.php" in directory "<dir name="Product">" has invalid role "magecommunity", should be one of cfg, data, doc, php, script, test, www
File "Observer.php" in directory "<dir name="Category">" has invalid role "magecommunity", should be one of cfg, data, doc, php, script, test, www
File "config.xml" in directory "<dir name="etc">" has invalid role "magecommunity", should be one of cfg, data, doc, php, script, test, www
File "View.php" in directory "<dir name="Product">" has invalid role "magecommunity", should be one of cfg, data, doc, php, script, test, www
File "View.php" in directory "<dir name="Layer">" has invalid role "magecommunity", should be one of cfg, data, doc, php, script, test, www
File "View.php" in directory "<dir name="Category">" has invalid role "magecommunity", should be one of cfg, data, doc, php, script, test, www
File "TinyBrick_FastCms.xml" in directory "<dir name="modules">" has invalid role "mageetc", should be one of cfg, data, doc, php, script, test, www
File "TinyBrick_FastCatalog.xml" in directory "<dir name="modules">" has invalid role "mageetc", should be one of cfg, data, doc, php, script, test, www
Parsing of package.xml from file "/root/tmp/pear/cache/package.xml" failed
install failed



注意:为了使./pear命令正常运行,您的 必须按照以下步骤之一安装magento实例 在本页解释

./pear install /home/USERNAME/public_html/Speed_Booster-2.4.1.tgz