Php 发送帧在事务中失败(STOMP)

Php 发送帧在事务中失败(STOMP),php,transactions,stomp,apollo,Php,Transactions,Stomp,Apollo,我正在为STOMP(Apollo)制作自己的PHP网关,因为所有现有的解决方案要么太糟糕,要么太复杂 因此,当我在没有事务(但有收据)的情况下向队列发送消息时,一切正常,请参阅日志: SEND destination:/queue/teststst content-type:text/plain content-length:100 receipt:f1dd03450508d938e6eb8196a6d128c4 2149b4a936862b121f7928ed5c060152 75235e0










class Stompler {
  const EOL = "\n";
  const NULL_OCTET = "\x00";
  const STATE_HEADER = 1;
  const STATE_BODY   = 2;

  protected $subscription = false;
  protected $transactionStack;
  protected $connection;
  protected $socket;
  protected $possibleFrameTypes = [
    'server' => [

  public function send($message, $queueName, $async = false) {

    $params = [
      'destination' => $queueName,
      'content-type' => 'text/plain',
      'content-length' => mb_strlen($message . static::EOL),

    if (isset($this->transactionStack) && !$this->transactionStack->isEmpty()) {
      $params['transaction'] = $this->transactionStack->top();

    if ($async === false) {
      $receiptId = $this->generateRandom();
      $params['receipt'] = $receiptId;

    $this->sendFrame('send', $params, $message);

    if ($async === false) $this->checkReceipt($receiptId, 'send');

  public function subscribe($queueName, $async = false, $autoAck = false) {

    if ($this->subscription === true) {
      throw new StomplerException('Another subscription has already been started');

    $this->subscription = true;

    $params = [
      'id' => 1,
      'destination' => $queueName,
      'ack' => ($autoAck === true ? 'auto' : 'client'),

    if ($async === false) {
      $receiptId = $this->generateRandom();
      $params['receipt'] = $receiptId;

    $this->sendFrame('subscribe', $params);

    if ($async === false) $this->checkReceipt($receiptId, 'subscribe');

  public function unsubscribe() {
    if ($this->subscription === false) {
      throw new StomplerException('No subscription');

    $this->subscription = false;

    $this->sendFrame('unsubscribe', [
      'id' => 1,

  public function connect() {
    if (!empty($this->connection)) return;

    $config = [...];

            $this->socket = fsockopen('tcp://' . $config['host'], $config['port']);
            if (empty($this->socket)) throw new StomplerConnectionException;

            stream_set_timeout($this->socket, 2);

            $this->sendFrame('connect', [
          'accept-version' => '1.2',
          'login'          => $config['login'],
          'passcode'       => $config['password'],
          'virtual-host'   => 'srv',
          'host'           => 'srv',
            $frame = $this->readFrame();

            if ($frame['name'] === 'ERROR') {
          throw new StomplerConnectionException("Could not connect to broker: '{$frame['headers']['message']}' ({$frame['body']})");
            if ($frame['name'] !== 'CONNECTED') {
          throw new StomplerConnectionException;

            $this->connection = $frame['headers']['session'];

  public function ack($message, $async = false) {
    $id = is_array($message) ? $message['headers']['ack'] : $message;

    $params = [
      'id' => $id,

    if (isset($this->transactionStack) && !$this->transactionStack->isEmpty()) {
      $params['transaction'] = $this->transactionStack->top();

    if ($async === false) {
      $receiptId = $this->generateRandom();
      $params['receipt'] = $receiptId;

    $this->sendFrame('ack', $params);
    if ($async === false) $this->checkReceipt($receiptId, 'ack');

  public function nack($message, $async = false) {
    $id = is_array($message) ? $message['headers']['ack'] : $message;

    $params = [
      'id' => $id,

    if (isset($this->transactionStack) && !$this->transactionStack->isEmpty()) {
      $params['transaction'] = $this->transactionStack->top();

    if ($async === false) {
      $receiptId = $this->generateRandom();
      $params['receipt'] = $receiptId;

    $this->sendFrame('nack', $params);
    if ($async === false) $this->checkReceipt($receiptId, 'nack');

  public function begin($async = false) {

    if ($this->transactionStack === null) {
      $this->transactionStack = new \SplStack();


    $params = ['transaction' => $this->transactionStack->top()];

    if ($async === false) {
      $receiptId = $this->generateRandom();
      $params['receipt'] = $receiptId;

    $this->sendFrame('begin', $params);
    if ($async === false) $this->checkReceipt($receiptId, 'begin');

  public function commit() {
    if (empty($this->transactionStack) || $this->transactionStack->isEmpty()) {
      throw new StomplerException('No transaction started');

    $this->sendFrame('commit', ['transaction' => $this->transactionStack->pop()]);

  public function abort($transactionId) {
    if (empty($this->transactionStack) || $this->transactionStack->isEmpty()) {
      throw new StomplerException('No transaction started');

    $this->sendFrame('abort', ['transaction' => $this->transactionStack->pop()]);

  public function readFrame($expectedFrameName = null) {
    $started = time();
    $frame = [
      'name' => null,
      'headers' => [],
      'body' => null,
    $state = false;
    $frameName = false;

    //echo '-------RECV--------' . PHP_EOL;
    while (true) {
      if (feof($this->socket) || ((time() - $started) > 1)) return false;

      $frameLine = fgets($this->socket);

      echo $frameLine;

      if ($state === static::STATE_HEADER) {
        $header = rtrim($frameLine, static::EOL);
        if (!empty($header)) {
          list($k, $v) = explode(':', $header);
          $frame['headers'][$k] = $v;
      if ($state === static::STATE_BODY) $frame['body'] .= $frameLine;

      if ($state === false) {
        $frameName = $frame['name'] = rtrim($frameLine, static::EOL);
        if (!in_array($frameName, $this->possibleFrameTypes['server'])) {
          if (empty($frameName)) return false;
          throw new StomplerUnknownFrameException($frameName);
        if ($expectedFrameName !== null && $frameName !== mb_strtoupper($expectedFrameName)) {
          throw new StomplerUnexpectedFrameException($frameName);
        $state = static::STATE_HEADER;
      elseif ($state === static::STATE_HEADER && $frameLine === static::EOL) {
        $state = static::STATE_BODY;
      elseif ($state === static::STATE_BODY && $this->detectNullOctet($frameLine)) {
    //echo '-------RECV--------' . PHP_EOL;

    if ($frame['body'] !== null) $frame['body'] = rtrim($frame['body'], static::EOL . static::NULL_OCTET);
    if ($frame['name'] === null) return false;

    return $frame;

  private function sendFrame($frameName, $frameParams, $body = null) {
    $frame = $this->compileFrame($frameName, $frameParams, $body);
    //echo '=======SEND========' . PHP_EOL;
    echo $frame;
    //echo '=======SEND========' . PHP_EOL;
    $result = fwrite($this->socket, $frame);

    if (empty($result)) {
      $md = stream_get_meta_data($this->socket);
      if($md['timed_out']) throw new StomplerTimeoutConnectionException;
      throw new StomplerUnknownConnectionException;

  private function compileFrame($name, $headers, $body = null) {
    $result = mb_strtoupper($name) . static::EOL;

    foreach ($headers as $key => $value) {
      $result .= $key;
      if ($value !== false) $result .= ':' . $value;
      $result .= static::EOL;

    if ($body) $result .= static::EOL . $body;

    $result .= static::EOL . static::NULL_OCTET;

    return $result;

  private function detectNullOctet($string) {
    return strpos($string, static::NULL_OCTET) === (mb_strlen($string) - 2);

  private function checkReceipt($receiptId, $frameName) {
    $frameName = mb_strtoupper($frameName);

    try {
      $receiptFrame = $this->readFrame('RECEIPT');
      if ($receiptFrame['headers']['receipt-id'] != $receiptId) {
        throw new StomplerException("Wrong receipt for {$frameName} frame (expected {$receiptFrame}, received {$receiptFrame['headers']['receipt-id']})");
    catch (StomplerUnexpectedFrameException $e) {
      throw new StomplerException("Could not receive receipt frame for {$frameName} frame (received {$e->getMessage()} frame)");

  private function generateRandom() {
    return md5(uniqid('', true));

  public function __destruct() {
    if (empty($this->socket)) return;

    $this->connection = null;



class Stompler {
  const EOL = "\n";
  const NULL_OCTET = "\x00";
  const STATE_HEADER = 1;
  const STATE_BODY   = 2;

  protected $subscription = false;
  protected $transactionStack;
  protected $connection;
  protected $socket;
  protected $possibleFrameTypes = [
    'server' => [

  public function send($message, $queueName, $async = false) {

    $params = [
      'destination' => $queueName,
      'content-type' => 'text/plain',
      'content-length' => mb_strlen($message . static::EOL),

    if (isset($this->transactionStack) && !$this->transactionStack->isEmpty()) {
      $params['transaction'] = $this->transactionStack->top();

    if ($async === false) {
      $receiptId = $this->generateRandom();
      $params['receipt'] = $receiptId;

    $this->sendFrame('send', $params, $message);

    if ($async === false) $this->checkReceipt($receiptId, 'send');

  public function subscribe($queueName, $async = false, $autoAck = false) {

    if ($this->subscription === true) {
      throw new StomplerException('Another subscription has already been started');

    $this->subscription = true;

    $params = [
      'id' => 1,
      'destination' => $queueName,
      'ack' => ($autoAck === true ? 'auto' : 'client'),

    if ($async === false) {
      $receiptId = $this->generateRandom();
      $params['receipt'] = $receiptId;

    $this->sendFrame('subscribe', $params);

    if ($async === false) $this->checkReceipt($receiptId, 'subscribe');

  public function unsubscribe() {
    if ($this->subscription === false) {
      throw new StomplerException('No subscription');

    $this->subscription = false;

    $this->sendFrame('unsubscribe', [
      'id' => 1,

  public function connect() {
    if (!empty($this->connection)) return;

    $config = [...];

            $this->socket = fsockopen('tcp://' . $config['host'], $config['port']);
            if (empty($this->socket)) throw new StomplerConnectionException;

            stream_set_timeout($this->socket, 2);

            $this->sendFrame('connect', [
          'accept-version' => '1.2',
          'login'          => $config['login'],
          'passcode'       => $config['password'],
          'virtual-host'   => 'srv',
          'host'           => 'srv',
            $frame = $this->readFrame();

            if ($frame['name'] === 'ERROR') {
          throw new StomplerConnectionException("Could not connect to broker: '{$frame['headers']['message']}' ({$frame['body']})");
            if ($frame['name'] !== 'CONNECTED') {
          throw new StomplerConnectionException;

            $this->connection = $frame['headers']['session'];

  public function ack($message, $async = false) {
    $id = is_array($message) ? $message['headers']['ack'] : $message;

    $params = [
      'id' => $id,

    if (isset($this->transactionStack) && !$this->transactionStack->isEmpty()) {
      $params['transaction'] = $this->transactionStack->top();

    if ($async === false) {
      $receiptId = $this->generateRandom();
      $params['receipt'] = $receiptId;

    $this->sendFrame('ack', $params);
    if ($async === false) $this->checkReceipt($receiptId, 'ack');

  public function nack($message, $async = false) {
    $id = is_array($message) ? $message['headers']['ack'] : $message;

    $params = [
      'id' => $id,

    if (isset($this->transactionStack) && !$this->transactionStack->isEmpty()) {
      $params['transaction'] = $this->transactionStack->top();

    if ($async === false) {
      $receiptId = $this->generateRandom();
      $params['receipt'] = $receiptId;

    $this->sendFrame('nack', $params);
    if ($async === false) $this->checkReceipt($receiptId, 'nack');

  public function begin($async = false) {

    if ($this->transactionStack === null) {
      $this->transactionStack = new \SplStack();


    $params = ['transaction' => $this->transactionStack->top()];

    if ($async === false) {
      $receiptId = $this->generateRandom();
      $params['receipt'] = $receiptId;

    $this->sendFrame('begin', $params);
    if ($async === false) $this->checkReceipt($receiptId, 'begin');

  public function commit() {
    if (empty($this->transactionStack) || $this->transactionStack->isEmpty()) {
      throw new StomplerException('No transaction started');

    $this->sendFrame('commit', ['transaction' => $this->transactionStack->pop()]);

  public function abort($transactionId) {
    if (empty($this->transactionStack) || $this->transactionStack->isEmpty()) {
      throw new StomplerException('No transaction started');

    $this->sendFrame('abort', ['transaction' => $this->transactionStack->pop()]);

  public function readFrame($expectedFrameName = null) {
    $started = time();
    $frame = [
      'name' => null,
      'headers' => [],
      'body' => null,
    $state = false;
    $frameName = false;

    //echo '-------RECV--------' . PHP_EOL;
    while (true) {
      if (feof($this->socket) || ((time() - $started) > 1)) return false;

      $frameLine = fgets($this->socket);

      echo $frameLine;

      if ($state === static::STATE_HEADER) {
        $header = rtrim($frameLine, static::EOL);
        if (!empty($header)) {
          list($k, $v) = explode(':', $header);
          $frame['headers'][$k] = $v;
      if ($state === static::STATE_BODY) $frame['body'] .= $frameLine;

      if ($state === false) {
        $frameName = $frame['name'] = rtrim($frameLine, static::EOL);
        if (!in_array($frameName, $this->possibleFrameTypes['server'])) {
          if (empty($frameName)) return false;
          throw new StomplerUnknownFrameException($frameName);
        if ($expectedFrameName !== null && $frameName !== mb_strtoupper($expectedFrameName)) {
          throw new StomplerUnexpectedFrameException($frameName);
        $state = static::STATE_HEADER;
      elseif ($state === static::STATE_HEADER && $frameLine === static::EOL) {
        $state = static::STATE_BODY;
      elseif ($state === static::STATE_BODY && $this->detectNullOctet($frameLine)) {
    //echo '-------RECV--------' . PHP_EOL;

    if ($frame['body'] !== null) $frame['body'] = rtrim($frame['body'], static::EOL . static::NULL_OCTET);
    if ($frame['name'] === null) return false;

    return $frame;

  private function sendFrame($frameName, $frameParams, $body = null) {
    $frame = $this->compileFrame($frameName, $frameParams, $body);
    //echo '=======SEND========' . PHP_EOL;
    echo $frame;
    //echo '=======SEND========' . PHP_EOL;
    $result = fwrite($this->socket, $frame);

    if (empty($result)) {
      $md = stream_get_meta_data($this->socket);
      if($md['timed_out']) throw new StomplerTimeoutConnectionException;
      throw new StomplerUnknownConnectionException;

  private function compileFrame($name, $headers, $body = null) {
    $result = mb_strtoupper($name) . static::EOL;

    foreach ($headers as $key => $value) {
      $result .= $key;
      if ($value !== false) $result .= ':' . $value;
      $result .= static::EOL;

    if ($body) $result .= static::EOL . $body;

    $result .= static::EOL . static::NULL_OCTET;

    return $result;

  private function detectNullOctet($string) {
    return strpos($string, static::NULL_OCTET) === (mb_strlen($string) - 2);

  private function checkReceipt($receiptId, $frameName) {
    $frameName = mb_strtoupper($frameName);

    try {
      $receiptFrame = $this->readFrame('RECEIPT');
      if ($receiptFrame['headers']['receipt-id'] != $receiptId) {
        throw new StomplerException("Wrong receipt for {$frameName} frame (expected {$receiptFrame}, received {$receiptFrame['headers']['receipt-id']})");
    catch (StomplerUnexpectedFrameException $e) {
      throw new StomplerException("Could not receive receipt frame for {$frameName} frame (received {$e->getMessage()} frame)");

  private function generateRandom() {
    return md5(uniqid('', true));

  public function __destruct() {
    if (empty($this->socket)) return;

    $this->connection = null;