Php 如何查询表中的所有行?

Php 如何查询表中的所有行?,php,mysqli,Php,Mysqli,我有一个日历,上面必须标出日期。例如,表中有3条记录,但只有最近添加的最后一条记录保持显示。如何显示所有行?问题是这样的: 这是我用来显示日期的查询。那么我如何让它显示所有的日期呢?我是否必须在for循环中进行查询,直到num\u row <?php function getCalendar($year = '', $month = '') { $dateYear = ($year != '') ? $year : date("Y"); $dateMonth = ($m


num\u row


function getCalendar($year = '', $month = '')
    $dateYear = ($year != '') ? $year : date("Y");
    $dateMonth = ($month != '') ? $month : date("m");
    $date = $dateYear . '-' . $dateMonth . '-01';
    $currentMonthFirstDay = date("N", strtotime($date));
    $totalDaysOfMonth = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $dateMonth, $dateYear);
    $totalDaysOfMonthDisplay = ($currentMonthFirstDay == 7) ? ($totalDaysOfMonth) : ($totalDaysOfMonth + $currentMonthFirstDay);
    $boxDisplay = ($totalDaysOfMonthDisplay <= 35) ? 35 : 42;
        <div id="calender_section">
                <a id="prev" href="#" onclick="return false" onmousedown="javascript:swapContent('prev')"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></span></a>
                <select name="month_dropdown" class="month_dropdown dropdown"><?php
    echo $this->getAllMonths($dateMonth); ?></select>
                <select name="year_dropdown" class="year_dropdown dropdown"><?php
    echo $this->getYearList($dateYear); ?></select>
                <a id="next" href="#" onclick="return false" onmousedown="javascript:swapContent('next')"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"></span></a>
            <div id="event_list" class="none"></div>
            <div id="calender_section_top">
            <div id="calender_section_bot">
    $dayCount = 1;
    for ($cb = 1; $cb <= $boxDisplay; $cb++) {
        if (($cb >= $currentMonthFirstDay || $currentMonthFirstDay == 7) && $cb <= ($totalDaysOfMonthDisplay - 1)) {

            // Current date

            $currentDate = $dateYear . '-' . $dateMonth . '-' . $dayCount;
            $currentDate = strtotime($currentDate);
            $eventNum = 0;

            // Include db configuration file
            // Get number of events based on the current date

            $sql = ("SELECT COUNT(book2_id), date_from, date_to FROM booking_2 GROUP BY date_from ORDER BY COUNT(book2_id) DESC");
            $result = $this->connect()->query($sql);
            $eventNum = $result->num_rows;
            if ($eventNum > 0) {
                while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
                    $date_from = $row['date_from'];
                    $date_to = $row['date_to'];
                    $time_from = strtotime($date_from);
                    $time_fromm = idate('d', $time_from);
                    $time_to = strtotime($date_to);
                    $time_too = idate('d', $time_to);
                    if ($currentDate >= $time_from && $currentDate <= $time_to) {
                        echo '<li  style="background-color:#FF3232 !important;" date="' . $currentDate . '" class="date_cell"><span>' . $dayCount . '</span>';
                    else {
                        echo '<li date="' . $currentDate . '" class="date_cell"><span>' . $dayCount . '</span>';
            else {
                echo '<li date="' . $currentDate . '" class="date_cell"><span>' . $dayCount . '</span>';

            // Date cell

            echo '</li>';
        else { ?>
    } ?>
} ?>

  • 周一
  • 星期二
  • 结婚
  • 周四
  • 星期五
  • 太阳


$sql = ("SELECT * FROM booking_2 ORDER BY book2_id");
$result = $this->connect()->query($sql); 
$eventNum = $result->num_rows;
if($eventNum > 0){
  $previousDate = 0;
  while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
    $date_from = $row['date_from'];
    $date_to = $row['date_to'];
    $time_from = strtotime($date_from);
    $time_fromm = idate('d', $time_from);
    $time_to = strtotime($date_to);
    $time_too = idate('d', $time_to);

    if (date("Y-m-d", $time_from) != date("Y-m-d", $previousDate)) {
        if ($currentDate >= $time_from && $currentDate <= $time_to) {
           echo '<li id="'.$row['book2_id'].'" style="background-color:#FF3232 !important;" date="'.$currentDate.'" class="date_cell"><span>'.$dayCount.'</span>';  
           echo '<li date="'.$currentDate.'" class="date_cell"><span>'.$dayCount.'</span>';
    $previousDate = $time_from;
    echo '<li date="'.$currentDate.'" class="date_cell"><span>'.$dayCount.'</span>';
$sql=(“按book2\u id从book2订单中选择*);
$time\u from=strottime($date\u from);
$time\u from=idate('d',$time\u from);
$time\u to=strotime($date\u to);
$time\u too=idate('d',$time\u to);
如果(日期(“Y-m-d”$time\u from)!=日期(“Y-m-d”$previousDate)){
