
使用循环逻辑拆分php,php,mysql,arrays,Php,Mysql,Arrays,你好,我有一个逻辑问题要完成我的测试 这是我的阵列 Array ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1, [p] => 150, [w] => 120, ), [1] => Array ( [id] => 2, [p] => 10, [w] => 20, ), [2] => Array ( [id] => 3, [p] => 70, [w] => 10, ), [3] =&

你好,我有一个逻辑问题要完成我的测试 这是我的阵列

Array ( 
[0] => Array (
  [id] => 1,
  [p] => 150,
  [w] => 120,
[1] => Array (
  [id] => 2,
  [p] => 10,
  [w] => 20,
[2] => Array (
  [id] => 3,
  [p] => 70,
  [w] => 10,
[3] => Array (
  [id] => 4,
  [p] => 100,
  [w] => 45,
[4] => Array (
  [id] => 5,
  [p] => 110,
  [w] => 500,

$pt = 0;
foreach($data as $k => $plist){ 
    $pl[] = $plist['id'];
    $pt += $plist['p'];
    if($pt >= 250) break; 
// Get filter max p 250
foreach($data $k => $dat){  
    foreach($pl as $paa => $pat){
        unset($data[$paa]); // Delete list key of Data
    $jres[] = array("id" => $dat['id'],"p" => $dat['p'], "w" => $dat['w']);
// callback function and filter that will be printed only
foreach($jres as $k => $dat){   
    foreach($data as $paa => $pat){
        unset($jres[$paa]); // Delete list key of JRES
foreach($jres as $k => $dat){
    $subtotal += $dat['p'];
$subs = $subtotal + $pt;
$end = key($pl); 
if($subs > 250){
    unset($pl[$end]); // delete one key if total **p** sum total **price * w ** if above 250 will delete one key    
$pack = '<table class="table">
        <h3 style="background:#D8D8D8;">Package 1</h3>
            <td class="right">P</td>
            <td class="right">W</td>
foreach($jres as $k => $dat){
$subtotal += $dat['p'];
$subw += $dat['w'];
$list .='<tr>
            <td class="right">$'.$dat['p'].'</td>
            <td class="right">'.$dat['w'].$k.' gram</td>
    foreach($data as $dat2 => $pat){
        if($k == $dat2) unset($data[$k]); // Delete key from data
$gtotal = $subw * $sfee + $subtotal;
$total =    '<tr>
            <th class="right" colspan="2"> Subtotal: </th>
            <th class="right"> $'.$subtotal.' </th>
            <th class="right" colspan="2">Shipping Cost ['.$subw.'g]: </th>
            <th class="right"> $'.$subw * $sfee.' </th>
            <th class="right" colspan="2"> Grandtotal: </th>
            <th class="right"> $'.$gtotal.' </th>
            <th class="right"></th>
            <th class="right"></th>



$Arrays = Array ( 
'0' => Array (
  'p' => 150,
  'w' => 120,
'1' => Array (
  'p' => 10,
  'w' => 20,
'2' => Array (
  'p' => 70,
  'w' => 10,
'3' => Array (
  'p' => 100,
  'w' => 45,
'4' => Array (
  'p' => 110,
  'w' => 500,

$Encode = json_encode($Arrays);

$Decoded = json_decode($Encode);

foreach($Decoded as $Item){
$Num[] = $Item->w;

echo min($Num); //Will echo 10



$Arrays = Array ( 
'0' => Array (
  'p' => 150,
  'w' => 120,
'1' => Array (
  'p' => 10,
  'w' => 20,
'2' => Array (
  'p' => 70,
  'w' => 10,
'3' => Array (
  'p' => 100,
  'w' => 45,
'4' => Array (
  'p' => 110,
  'w' => 500,

$Encode = json_encode($Arrays);

$Decoded = json_decode($Encode);

foreach($Decoded as $Item){
$Num[] = $Item->w;

echo min($Num); //Will echo 10
