
PhpDoc用于接口和实现接口的类-差异,php,class,interface,documentation,phpdoc,Php,Class,Interface,Documentation,Phpdoc,问题很简单-对于接口和类实现接口,我应该如何区别phpdoc?它们应该/可以是相同的,或者接口文档应该尽可能通用,实现这个接口的类应该更具体 我从我的真实代码中包括一个方法phpDoc: 我的界面: interface CacheInterface { /** * Adds data to cache * * @param string $objectId Name of object to store in cache * @param




interface CacheInterface 
     * Adds data to cache
     * @param string $objectId    Name of object to store in cache
     * @param mixed  $objectValue Data to store in cache
     * @param mixed  $lifetime    Lifetime of cache file
     * @param string $group       Name of cache group.
     * @param array  $params      Parameters that distinct cache files.
     * @param array  $files       Name of files that are checked if cache is valid.
     * @return bool               True if cache was created, false if cache was not created
    public function put(
        $lifetime = null,
        $group = null,
        $params = array(),
        $files = array()
class Cache implements CacheInterface
     * Adds data to cache
     * @param string $objectId    Name of object. If it begins with : cache filename will be created using hash
     *                            function. If name doesn't begin with : it should use ASCII characters to avoid
     *                            problems with filenames
     * @param mixed  $objectValue Data to store in cache
     * @param mixed  $lifetime    Lifetime of cache file. If none provided it will use the one set in contructor.
     *                            Possible lifetime values: time in seconds (3600 means that cache is valid
     *                            for 1 hour = 3600 seconds) or one of TIME_ constants @see CacheInterface
     * @param string $group       Name of cache group. If none/null provided it will use the one set in constructor.
     *                            Sub-groups should be created using | for example group|subgroup|subgroup2
     * @param array  $params      Parameters that distinct cache files. You can for example pass here array('id' => 1)
     *                            to set cache for user id. If $params is not empty, they are also used to generate
     *                            file name. That's way they should rather include simple ASCII values
     * @param array  $files       Name of files that are checked if cache is valid. It should be numerical array
     *                            (not assosiative). If files are not empty when getting data from cache it's checked
     *                            wheteher those files exists and are created earlier than cache was created.
     *                            If any of those conditions is not met cache file is treated as invalid
     * @return bool               True if cache was created, false if cache was not created
    public function put(
        $lifetime = null,
        $group = null,
        $params = array(),
        $files = array()
    ) {
       // implementation here

interface CacheInterface 
     * Adds data to cache
     * @param string $objectId    Name of object to store in cache
     * @param mixed  $objectValue Data to store in cache
     * @param mixed  $lifetime    Lifetime of cache file
     * @param string $group       Name of cache group.
     * @param array  $params      Parameters that distinct cache files.
     * @param array  $files       Name of files that are checked if cache is valid.
     * @return bool               True if cache was created, false if cache was not created
    public function put(
        $lifetime = null,
        $group = null,
        $params = array(),
        $files = array()
class Cache implements CacheInterface
     * Adds data to cache
     * @param string $objectId    Name of object. If it begins with : cache filename will be created using hash
     *                            function. If name doesn't begin with : it should use ASCII characters to avoid
     *                            problems with filenames
     * @param mixed  $objectValue Data to store in cache
     * @param mixed  $lifetime    Lifetime of cache file. If none provided it will use the one set in contructor.
     *                            Possible lifetime values: time in seconds (3600 means that cache is valid
     *                            for 1 hour = 3600 seconds) or one of TIME_ constants @see CacheInterface
     * @param string $group       Name of cache group. If none/null provided it will use the one set in constructor.
     *                            Sub-groups should be created using | for example group|subgroup|subgroup2
     * @param array  $params      Parameters that distinct cache files. You can for example pass here array('id' => 1)
     *                            to set cache for user id. If $params is not empty, they are also used to generate
     *                            file name. That's way they should rather include simple ASCII values
     * @param array  $files       Name of files that are checked if cache is valid. It should be numerical array
     *                            (not assosiative). If files are not empty when getting data from cache it's checked
     *                            wheteher those files exists and are created earlier than cache was created.
     *                            If any of those conditions is not met cache file is treated as invalid
     * @return bool               True if cache was created, false if cache was not created
    public function put(
        $lifetime = null,
        $group = null,
        $params = array(),
        $files = array()
    ) {
       // implementation here




{@InheritationDoc}在野外的使用与它真正想要实现的目标不一致,我认为phpDocumentor 1.x中随着时间的推移处理该标记的错误导致人们尝试不同的使用方法,这导致IDE也对其进行了不同的处理。因此,我不再使用它。

我认为不应该将所有phpDoc从接口复制到实现类。仅限与接口中的对应项不同的标记。剩下的你可以留下linkby tagI在提问之前看到了这个问题,但它并没有说明当你需要添加界面到traits时,为meits创建文档是如何有用的谢谢你的回答。但如果某些参数具有更多功能,该怎么办?例如,在接口中,我只包含有关objectId的信息: