Php 在sql中获取可用时间和预定时间

Php 在sql中获取可用时间和预定时间,php,mysql,sql,Php,Mysql,Sql,我在mysql商店有两张桌子,详细信息,预订 店铺详情 id shop_id open_time close_time 1 1 09:00Am 09:00Pm 2 5 10:00Am 09:00Pm 预订 id shop_id start_time end_time 1 1 10:30am 11



id      shop_id     open_time       close_time
1       1           09:00Am         09:00Pm
2       5           10:00Am         09:00Pm

id      shop_id     start_time      end_time
1       1           10:30am         11:10Am
1       5           02:00pm         02:45pm
现在我想,如果我想知道店铺id 1,那么我想在店铺开张后的预定时间和每半小时到店铺关门的可用时间,例如,我想要以下结果

shop_id     start_time      end_time    status
1           09:00am         09:30am     avaliable
1           09:30am         10:00am     avaliable
1           10:00am         10:30am     avaliable
1           10:30am         11:10am     booked
1           11:10am         11:40am     avaliable
1           08:30am         09:00pm     booked

首先,使用while函数创建一个循环,该循环将重复代码直到到达关闭时间, 在while函数中,您可以使用IF语句使可用性状态基于日期

goold luck


select t.tme,
       (case when exists (select 1
                          from booking b
                          where b.start_time <= t.tme and
                                b.end_time > t.tme
             then 'booked' else 'available'
        end) as status
from (select cast('00:00' as time) as tme union all
      select cast('00:30' as time) as t union all
      select cast('01:00' as time) as t union all
      . . .
      select cast('23:50' as time) as t
     ) t join
     (select sd.*
      from shop_details sd
      where sd.shop_id = 1
     ) sd1
     on t.tme >= sd1.open_time and
        t.tme <= sd1.close_time;
