Php yii 2,创建活动表单文本字段主搜索字段

Php yii 2,创建活动表单文本字段主搜索字段,php,yii2,Php,Yii2,好的,我有一个数据库表,里面有案例的详细信息 现在,用户希望能够通过名称、年份、判断数据等搜索这些案例 现在我有一个工作示例,但是这只适用于在“名称”字段中按名称搜索和在“年份”字段中按年份搜索的情况。例如,您不能在“年份”字段中搜索姓名 因此,我希望有一个主搜索字段,您可以输入任何字符串,它将从数据库中生成一行,其中搜索词与任何列相关 控制器: public function actionIndex() { $model = new Cases; $searchModel =






 public function actionIndex()
    $model = new Cases;
    $searchModel = new CaseSearch();// This is the data to be displayed in gridview
    $newsearchModel = new CaseSearch();
    $mainCategory = Category::find()->all();// This is grabing the first category list to populate first drop down

    $dataProvider = $newsearchModel->search(Yii::$app->request->queryParams);// This is the filter options for the gridview

    $request = Yii::$app->request;
    $post = $request->post();//$post now takes place of normal $_POST array;

     * This deals with the post values when the drop down lists are chosen and submitted via POST
        $count = Yii::$app->db->createCommand('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cases')->queryScalar();

            $dataProvider = new SqlDataProvider([
                'sql' => 'SELECT * FROM cases',
                'totalCount' => $count,
                'sort' => [
                    'attributes' => [
                        /*'name' => [
                            'asc' => ['first_name' => SORT_ASC, 'last_name' => SORT_ASC],
                            'desc' => ['first_name' => SORT_DESC, 'last_name' => SORT_DESC],
                            'default' => SORT_DESC,
                            'label' => 'Name',
                'pagination' => [
                    'pageSize' => 20,

        // get the user records in the current page
        $models = $dataProvider->getModels();

        //This now renders the index page with new set of filters corresponding to the categories picked.
        // Also sends back the first category_id to auto populate first category.
        return $this->render('index', [
            'searchModel' => $searchModel,
            'newsearchModel' => $newsearchModel,
            'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
            'mainCategory' => $mainCategory,
            //'subcategory' => $subcategory,
            //'childcategory' => $childcategory,
            'model' => $models,
            //'model' => $model,  
            //'category_id' => $category_id,
            //'subcategory_id' => $subcategory_id,//for debugging
            //'childcategory_id' => $childcategory_id,//for debugging


namespace app\models;

use Yii;

* This is the model class for table "Cases".
* @property integer $case_id
* @property string $name
* @property string $judgement_date
* @property integer $year
* @property string $neutral_citation
* @property string $all_ER
* @property string $building_law_R
* @property string $const_law_R
* @property string $const_law_J
* @property string $CILL
* @property string $adj_LR
class Cases extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord

public $citation;
public $mainSearch;

 * @inheritdoc
public static function tableName()
    return 'Cases';

 * Returns the first Citation which is populated
 * @return String
public function getCitation()

    //Check each citation and return fist match
    if (!empty($this->neutral_citation)) {
        return $this->neutral_citation;
    if (!empty($this->all_ER)) {
        return $this->all_ER;
    if (!empty($this->building_law_R)) {
        return $this->building_law_R;
    if (!empty($this->const_law_R)) {
        return $this->const_law_R;
    if (!empty($this->const_law_J)) {
        return $this->const_law_J;
    if (!empty($this->CILL)) {
        return $this->CILL;
    if (!empty($this->adj_LR)) {
        return $this->adj_LR;

    return "";


 * @inheritdoc
public function rules()
    return [
        [['name', 'judgement_date', 'year', 'neutral_citation', 'all_ER', 'building_law_R', 'const_law_R', 'const_law_J', 'CILL', 'adj_LR'], 'required'],
        [['judgement_date'], 'safe'],
        [['year'], 'integer'],
        [['name', 'neutral_citation', 'all_ER', 'building_law_R', 'const_law_R', 'const_law_J', 'CILL', 'adj_LR'], 'string', 'max' => 150]

 * @inheritdoc
public function attributeLabels()
    return [
        'case_id' => 'Case ID',
        'name' => 'Name',
        'judgement_date' => 'Judgement Date',
        'year' => 'Year',
        'neutral_citation' => 'Neutral Citation',
        'all_ER' => 'All  Er',
        'building_law_R' => 'Building Law  R',
        'const_law_R' => 'Const Law  R',
        'const_law_J' => 'Const Law  J',
        'CILL' => 'Cill',
        'adj_LR' => 'Adj  Lr',

table style="border:1px solid black;">
    <tr style="border:1px solid black;">
        <th>Chapter No(s)</th>
    <?=  ListView::widget([
    'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
    'itemOptions' => ['class' => 'col-xs-6 col-sm-3'],
    'itemView' => 'list',

the rest of the table is rendered here

<td><?= $model->name ?></td>
<td><?= $model->getCitation() ?></td>

 <div class="cases-search">

<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin([
    'action' => ['index'],
    'method' => 'get',
]); ?>

<?= $form->field($newsearchModel, 'mainSearch') ?>

<?= $form->field($newsearchModel, 'name') ?>

<?= $form->field($newsearchModel, 'judgement_date') ?>

<?= $form->field($newsearchModel, 'year') ?>

<div class="form-group">
    <?= Html::submitButton('Search', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']) ?>
    <?= Html::resetButton('Reset', ['class' => 'btn btn-default']) ?>

<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>


 <div class="cases-search">

<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin([
    'action' => ['index'],
    'method' => 'get',
]); ?>

<?= $form->field($newsearchModel, 'mainSearch') ?>

<?= $form->field($newsearchModel, 'name') ?>

<?= $form->field($newsearchModel, 'judgement_date') ?>

<?= $form->field($newsearchModel, 'year') ?>

<div class="form-group">
    <?= Html::submitButton('Search', ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']) ?>
    <?= Html::resetButton('Reset', ['class' => 'btn btn-default']) ?>

<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>