Php 下面的问题可以更正吗

Php 下面的问题可以更正吗,php,sql,mysqli,Php,Sql,Mysqli,在查询中,我需要一些帮助,我不知道我是否包含正确的GROUP BY子句,并在SELECT子句中从正确的表中选择字段: 以下是数据库表: 会话表 SessionId SessionName 1 AAA 2 AAB SessionId QuestionId QuestionContent QuestionMarks 1 1 What is 2+2? 2 1

在查询中,我需要一些帮助,我不知道我是否包含正确的GROUP BY子句,并在SELECT子句中从正确的表中选择字段:



SessionId  SessionName
1          AAA
2          AAB
SessionId  QuestionId  QuestionContent            QuestionMarks
1          1           What is 2+2?               2
1          2           What is 4+4?               3
2          1           What is 10+10 and 11+11?   5
2          2           What is 15+15?             5
2          3           What is 20+20 and 40+40?   7
AnswerId SessionId  QuestionId Answer
1        1          1          B
2        1          2          C
3        2          1          A
4        2          1          D
5        2          2          A
6        2          3          D
7        2          3          E

SessionId  SessionName
1          AAA
2          AAB
SessionId  QuestionId  QuestionContent            QuestionMarks
1          1           What is 2+2?               2
1          2           What is 4+4?               3
2          1           What is 10+10 and 11+11?   5
2          2           What is 15+15?             5
2          3           What is 20+20 and 40+40?   7
AnswerId SessionId  QuestionId Answer
1        1          1          B
2        1          2          C
3        2          1          A
4        2          1          D
5        2          2          A
6        2          3          D
7        2          3          E

SessionId  SessionName
1          AAA
2          AAB
SessionId  QuestionId  QuestionContent            QuestionMarks
1          1           What is 2+2?               2
1          2           What is 4+4?               3
2          1           What is 10+10 and 11+11?   5
2          2           What is 15+15?             5
2          3           What is 20+20 and 40+40?   7
AnswerId SessionId  QuestionId Answer
1        1          1          B
2        1          2          C
3        2          1          A
4        2          1          D
5        2          2          A
6        2          3          D
7        2          3          E

   $query = "SELECT q.SessionId, s.SessionName, q.QuestionId, q.QuestionContent, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT Answer SEPARATOR '') AS Answer, q.QuestionMarks 
   FROM Session s 
   INNER JOIN Question q ON s.SessionId = q.SessionId
   JOIN Answer an ON q.QuestionId = an.QuestionId
   WHERE SessionName = "AAB"
   GROUP BY an.SessionId, an.QuestionId

 QuestionId  QuestionContent              Answer  QuestionMarks
    1           What is 10+10 and 11+11?     AD       5
    2           What is 15+15                A        5
    3           What is 20 + 20 and 40+40?   DE       7
目前,如果我正在搜索会话“AAB”中的lets say问题,它将显示以下内容:

QuestionId  QuestionContent              Answer  QuestionMarks
    1           What is 10+10 and 11+11?     AD       5
    2           What is 15+15                A        5
    3           What is 20 + 20 and 40+40?   DE       7
    1           What is 10+10 and 11+11?     AD       5
    2           What is 15+15                A        5
    3           What is 20 + 20 and 40+40?   DE       7
    1           What is 10+10 and 11+11?     AD       5
    2           What is 15+15                A        5
    3           What is 20 + 20 and 40+40?   DE       7
    1           What is 10+10 and 11+11?     AD       5
    2           What is 15+15                A        5
    3           What is 20 + 20 and 40+40?   DE       7
    1           What is 10+10 and 11+11?     AD       5
    2           What is 15+15                A        5
    3           What is 20 + 20 and 40+40?   DE       7


SELECT q.SessionId, s.SessionName, q.QuestionId, q.QuestionContent, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT Answer SEPARATOR '') AS Answer, q.QuestionMarks 
FROM Session s 
INNER JOIN Question q ON s.SessionId = q.SessionId
JOIN Answer an ON q.QuestionId = an.QuestionId
             AND an.sessionID = s.sessionID
WHERE SessionName = "AAB"
GROUP BY an.SessionId, an.QuestionId
