
检查文本是否包含PHP中txt文件中的单词,php,arrays,text,Php,Arrays,Text,我的目标是检查我在文本框中键入的内容是否与列表中的任何单词匹配。我的列表在一个.txt文件中。我想我应该将.txt转换成一个数组,并将它的值与另一个数组进行比较,这个数组来自文本框表单。我认为应该将.txt文件中的文本放入一个数组中,但这种比较不太有效 可能是这样的: $count = 0; If ($textbox contains $anyofthewordsfromthe.txt file) echo "Name of the words:" $numberofocurrences. E



$count = 0;
If ($textbox contains $anyofthewordsfromthe.txt file)
 echo "Name of the words:" $numberofocurrences.
  echo "No words from the list!"





// Like explode() but uses any sequence of spaces as delimiter.
// Equivalent to Python s.split()
function explode_space($s) {
  preg_match_all('/[^\s]+/', $s, $words);
  return $words[0];

$swears_filename = 'words.txt';

// Load all words from the file
$swears = strtolower(file_get_contents($swears_filename));
$swears = explode_space($swears);

// In a web environment, it'd probably be more like this:
// $naughty_text = trim(@$_POST['comment']);
$naughty_text = 'I tweeted about passing the third rep milestone on Stack Overflow.';

// Perform case-insensitive comparison by lowercasing everything first.
$naughty_text = strtolower($naughty_text);

// There are two solutions. The first uses substring matching,
// which finds "thorpe" in "Scunthorpe" if "thorpe" is in words.txt.
foreach ($swears as $swear) {
  if (strpos($naughty_text, $swear) !== false) {
    echo "Text contains substring $swear\n";

// The other solution will find "Scunthorpe" only if "scunthorpe"
// itself is in words.txt because it checks the whole word.
// First convert the list of values to a set of keys to speed up
// testing whether each word is in the set because
// array_key_exists($k, $array), which looks for keys, is
// faster than in_array($v, $array), which looks for values.
$swears = array_fill_keys($swears, true);

// Now convert the post to a list of distinct words.
$naughty_text = explode_space($naughty_text);

foreach ($naughty_text as $word) {
  if (array_key_exists($word, $swears)) {
    echo "Text contains word $word\n";

$ cat words.txt
slit pass puck cult locksacker monkeyfighter hits part third tweet
$ php so27629576.php
Text contains substring pass
Text contains substring third
Text contains substring tweet
Text contains word third