Process Sempahores和死锁

Process Sempahores和死锁,process,parallel-processing,semaphore,Process,Parallel Processing,Semaphore,这是一个为我即将到来的考试而建议的练习,下面是我到目前为止收集的内容。所有建设性的投入将不胜感激 P1, P2 and P3 share three semaphores (x, y and z) each with 1 as initial value and three variables (a, b and c). P1: (1.1) wait(x); (1.2) a = a + 1; (1.3) wait(y);


   P1, P2 and P3 share three semaphores (x, y and z) each with 1 as initial value and three variables (a, b and c).


        (1.1) wait(x);
        (1.2) a = a + 1;
        (1.3) wait(y);
        (1.4) b = b - a;
        (1.5) wait(z);
        (1.6) c = a + 2*b -c;
        (1.7) signal(z);
        (1.8) signal(y);
        (1.9) signal(x)

        Code for P2:

        (2.1) wait(y);
        (2.2) b = b*2;
        (2.3) wait(z);
        (2.4) c = c - b;
        (2.5) signal(y);
        (2.6) wait(x);
        (2.7) a = a + c;
        (2.8) signal(x);
        (2.9) signal(z)

        Code for P3:

        (3.1) wait(y);
        (3.2) b = b*2;
        (3.3) wait(z);
        (3.4) c = c - b;
        (3.5) signal(z);
        (3.6) signal(y);
        (3.7) wait(x);
        (3.8) a = a / 10;
        (3.9) signal(x)

    A. If P1 and P2 run concurrently on a computer with only a single CPU, is it possible for these two processes to get into a deadlock? If so, show one execution sequence of the code that results in the deadlock, and show how to revise P2 only (P1 is not changed) to prevent deadlock.

    B. If P1 and P3 are run concurrently on a computer with only a single CPU, is it possible for these two processes to get into a deadlock? If so, show one execution sequence of the code that results in the deadlock, and show how to revise P3 only (P1 is not changed) to prevent deadlock.

    The changes you make should not violate the mutual exclusion requirement on shared variable access.
A) 我不确定他们何时会陷入僵局的例子是什么意思?对我来说,似乎y将导致死锁,因为第1.3行将导致y变为-1,并且直到P2的2.5才会解锁


B) 这里,1.3(等待(y))再次导致问题,因为直到3.6才发出信号。然后决议将其移至1.6之后



    Sequence                       Holds lock on
    (1.1) wait(x);                 P1 x,  P2 -
    (1.2) a = a + 1;               P1 x,  P2 -
    (2.1) wait(y);                 P1 x,  P2 y
    (2.2) b = b*2;                 P1 x,  P2 y
    (2.3) wait(z);                 P1 x,  P2 yz
    (2.4) c = c - b;               P1 x,  P2 yz
    (2.5) signal(y);               P1 x,  P2 z
    (2.6) wait(x);                 P1 x,  P2 z   - P2 locks waiting for x
    (1.3) wait(y);                 P1 xy, P2 z
    (1.4) b = b - a;               P1 xy, P2 z
    (1.5) wait(z);                 P1 xy, P2 z   - P1 locks waiting for z
