Python 2.7 在Python2.7中使用以参数命名的关键字参数进行闭包

Python 2.7 在Python2.7中使用以参数命名的关键字参数进行闭包,python-2.7,dynamic,lambda,closures,named-parameters,Python 2.7,Dynamic,Lambda,Closures,Named Parameters,我需要在运行时动态声明具有任意数量命名参数(关键字)的funktion,以便其他库可以使用字典作为参数调用此函数。以下是我需要的一个示例: def generateFunction(*kwrds): #kwrds are a bunch of strings def functionTheLibraryCalls('''an argument for every string in kwrds '''): #Get all arguments in a tuple in the


def generateFunction(*kwrds):
  #kwrds are a bunch of strings
  def functionTheLibraryCalls('''an argument for every string in kwrds '''):
    #Get all arguments in a tuple in the order as listed above
    result = tuple(args)
    #Code that needs to be executed inside the library,
    #it can handle a variable number of arguments
    return result
  return functionTheLibraryCalls

f1 = generateFunction('x', 'y','z')
print f1(x = 3,y = 2, z = 1)
#>> (3,2,1)
f2 = generateFunction('a', 'b')
print f2(a = 10, b = 0)
#>> (10,0)



def generateFunction(*names):
    #kwrds are a bunch of strings
    def functionTheLibraryCalls(**kwrds):
        #Code that needs to be executed inside the library,
        #it can handle a variable number of arguments
        print names, kwrds
        return 42
    return functionTheLibraryCalls


def generateFunction(*names):
    #kwrds are a bunch of strings
    def functionTheLibraryCalls(**kwrds):
        #Code that needs to be executed inside the library,
        #it can handle a variable number of arguments
        print names, kwrds
        return 42
    return functionTheLibraryCalls