Python 3.x 数据流(Apache Beam)无法在BigQuery上写入

Python 3.x 数据流(Apache Beam)无法在BigQuery上写入,python-3.x,google-bigquery,etl,google-cloud-dataflow,apache-beam,Python 3.x,Google Bigquery,Etl,Google Cloud Dataflow,Apache Beam,我有一个管道,在最后的步骤中必须在BigQuery上写两条记录,我真的不知道为什么它似乎什么都不插入。 我没有错误,表存在并且已经包含记录,实际上我必须使用TRUNCATE/INSERT模式 有人能帮我弄清楚为什么它不能像我期望的那样工作吗 这是我的管道: p = beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options) (p | 'Read Configuration Table ' >>

我有一个管道,在最后的步骤中必须在BigQuery上写两条记录,我真的不知道为什么它似乎什么都不插入。 我没有错误,表存在并且已经包含记录,实际上我必须使用TRUNCATE/INSERT模式



     p = beam.Pipeline(options=pipeline_options)

        | 'Read Configuration Table ' >>['ENVIRONMENT']['configuration_table']))
        | 'Get Files from Server' >> beam.Map(import_file)
        | 'Upload files on Bucket' >> beam.Map(upload_file_on_bucket)
        | 'Set record update' >> beam.Map(set_last_step)
        | 'Update table' >>
                schema=('folder:STRING, last_file:STRING')


{'folder': '1952', 'last_file': '1952_2019120617.log.gz'}
{'folder': '1951', 'last_file': '1951_2019120617.log.gz'}

2019-12-06 18:09:36 DEBUG    Creating or getting table <TableReference
 datasetId: 'MYDATASET'
 projectId: 'MYPROJECT'
 tableId: 'MYTABLE'> with schema {'fields': [{'name': 'folder', 'type': 'STRING', 'mode': 'NULLABLE'}, {'name': 'last_file', 'type': 'STRING', 'mode': 'NULLABLE'}]}.
2019-12-06 18:09:36 DEBUG    Created the table with id MYTABLE
2019-12-06 18:09:36 INFO     Created table MYPROJECT.MYDATASET.MYTABLE with schema <TableSchema
 fields: [<TableFieldSchema
 fields: []
 mode: 'NULLABLE'
 name: 'folder'
 type: 'STRING'>, <TableFieldSchema
 fields: []
 mode: 'NULLABLE'
 name: 'last_file'
 type: 'STRING'>]>. Result: <Table
 creationTime: 1575652176727
 etag: '0/GXOOeXPCmYsMfgGNxl2Q=='
 kind: 'bigquery#table'
 lastModifiedTime: 1575652176766
 location: 'EU'
 numBytes: 0
 numLongTermBytes: 0
 numRows: 0
 schema: <TableSchema
 fields: [<TableFieldSchema
 fields: []
 mode: 'NULLABLE'
 name: 'folder'
 type: 'STRING'>, <TableFieldSchema
 fields: []
 mode: 'NULLABLE'
 name: 'last_file'
 type: 'STRING'>]>
 selfLink: ''
 tableReference: <TableReference
 datasetId: 'MYDATASET'
 projectId: 'MYPROJECT'
 tableId: 'MYTABLE'> with schema {'fields': [{'name': 'folder', 'type': 'STRING', 'mode': 'NULLABLE'}, {'name': 'last_file', 'type': 'STRING', 'mode': 'NULLABLE'}]}.
2019-12-06 18:09:36 DEBUG    Created the table with id MYTABLE
2019-12-06 18:09:36 INFO     Created table MYPROJECT.MYDATASET.MYTABLE with schema <TableSchema
 fields: [<TableFieldSchema
 fields: []
 mode: 'NULLABLE'
 name: 'folder'
 type: 'STRING'>, <TableFieldSchema
 fields: []
 mode: 'NULLABLE'
 name: 'last_file'
 type: 'STRING'>]>. Result: <Table
 creationTime: 1575652176727
 etag: '0/GXOOeXPCmYsMfgGNxl2Q=='
 kind: 'bigquery#table'
 lastModifiedTime: 1575652176766
 location: 'EU'
 numBytes: 0
 numLongTermBytes: 0
 numRows: 0
 schema: <TableSchema
 fields: [<TableFieldSchema
 fields: []
 mode: 'NULLABLE'
 name: 'folder'
 type: 'STRING'>, <TableFieldSchema
 fields: []
 mode: 'NULLABLE'
 name: 'last_file'
 type: 'STRING'>]>
 selfLink: ''
 tableReference: <TableReference
 datasetId: 'MYDATASET'
 projectId: 'MYPROJECT'
 tableId: 'MYTABLE'>
 type: 'TABLE'>.
2019-12-06 18:09:36 WARNING  Sleeping for 150 seconds before the write as BigQuery inserts can be routed to deleted table for 2 mins after the delete and create.
2019-12-06 18:12:06 DEBUG    Attempting to flush to all destinations. Total buffered: 2
2019-12-06 18:12:06 DEBUG    Flushing data to MYPROJECT:MYDATASET.MYTABLE. Total 2 rows.
2019-12-06 18:12:07 DEBUG    Passed: True. Errors are []


import pandas as pd
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import datetime
import json
import requests
import pandas_gbq
from lxml import etree

# authentication: working now....
login = '' 
password = 'your_AS_pswd'

AsOfDate ='%m-%d-%Y')

#1) SLA=471162: Execute Query
response = requests.get(REQUEST_URL, auth=(login, password))
xml_data = response.text.encode('utf-8', 'ignore') 


#tree = etree.parse(xml_data)
root = ET.fromstring(xml_data)

# start collecting root elements and headers for data frame 1
desc = root.get("SLA_Description")
frm = root.get("start_date")
thru = root.get("end_date")
dev = root.get("obj_device")
loc = root.get("locations")
loc = loc[:-1]
df1 = pd.DataFrame([['From:',frm],['Through:',thru],['Object:',dev],['Location:',loc]])
df1.columns = ['SLAs','Analytics']

# start getting the analytics for data frame 2
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data)
df2.columns = ['SLAs','Analytics']

# merge data frame 1 with data frame 2
df3 = df1.append(df2, ignore_index=True)

# append description and today's date onto data frame
df3['Description'] = desc
df3['AsOfDate'] = AsOfDate


# push from data frame, where data has been transformed, into Google BQ
pandas_gbq.to_gbq(df3, 'website.Metrics', 'your-firm', chunksize=None, reauth=False, if_exists='append', private_key=None, auth_local_webserver=False, table_schema=None, location=None, progress_bar=True, verbose=None)
print('Execute Query, Done!!')

我运行了一个简化的,它似乎为我工作。请注意,如果在BigQueryUI上进行预览,而不是选择文件夹、最后一个\u文件,则流式插入将需要一段时间才能显示。。。查询应立即返回正确的结果我同意@GuillemXercavins。您如何验证记录没有出现在BigQuery中?你能试着对结果进行查询吗?嗨,谢谢你们的回答!我知道流媒体流中插入的记录可能会在延迟后出现,但我确信我的记录不会插入到BigQuery上,因为我运行了一个查询来访问没有结果的数据,我已经等待了2个小时,流式缓冲区应该在90分钟内刷新以访问数据,最后我强制刷新缓冲区:创建或替换表MYPROJECT.MYDATASET.MYTABLE作为从MYPROJECT.MYDATASET.MYTABLE中选择*是否缺少某些内容?鉴于完全符合条件,似乎没有设置您的配置日志中的表名为MYPROJECT:MYDATASET.MYTABLE。table=config['ENVIRONMENT']['configuration\u table']工作正常吗?您可以尝试记录吗?使用“WRITE_TRUNCATE”不可能每次都覆盖表数据吗?也许可以试试“WRITE_APPEND”。谢谢你的回答,但提供的解决方案不是我想要的。我希望避免使用gbq,而是使用DataFlow的本机方法。
import pandas as pd
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import datetime
import json
import requests
import pandas_gbq
from lxml import etree

# authentication: working now....
login = '' 
password = 'your_AS_pswd'

AsOfDate ='%m-%d-%Y')

#1) SLA=471162: Execute Query
response = requests.get(REQUEST_URL, auth=(login, password))
xml_data = response.text.encode('utf-8', 'ignore') 


#tree = etree.parse(xml_data)
root = ET.fromstring(xml_data)

# start collecting root elements and headers for data frame 1
desc = root.get("SLA_Description")
frm = root.get("start_date")
thru = root.get("end_date")
dev = root.get("obj_device")
loc = root.get("locations")
loc = loc[:-1]
df1 = pd.DataFrame([['From:',frm],['Through:',thru],['Object:',dev],['Location:',loc]])
df1.columns = ['SLAs','Analytics']

# start getting the analytics for data frame 2
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data)
df2.columns = ['SLAs','Analytics']

# merge data frame 1 with data frame 2
df3 = df1.append(df2, ignore_index=True)

# append description and today's date onto data frame
df3['Description'] = desc
df3['AsOfDate'] = AsOfDate


# push from data frame, where data has been transformed, into Google BQ
pandas_gbq.to_gbq(df3, 'website.Metrics', 'your-firm', chunksize=None, reauth=False, if_exists='append', private_key=None, auth_local_webserver=False, table_schema=None, location=None, progress_bar=True, verbose=None)
print('Execute Query, Done!!')