Python 3.x Python-UnboundLocalError:赋值前引用了局部变量“d”

Python 3.x Python-UnboundLocalError:赋值前引用了局部变量“d”,python-3.x,Python 3.x,此功能: def weighted_choice(self, dna): """ Chooses a random element from tags. Weight determines the probability of choosing its respective item. """ weight_total = sum((d[1] for d in dna)) n = random.uniform(0, weight_


def weighted_choice(self, dna):

    Chooses a random element from tags.
    Weight determines the probability 
    of choosing its respective item. 

    weight_total = sum((d[1] for d in dna))

    n = random.uniform(0, weight_total)

    for d, weight in dna:
        if n < weight:
            return d
        n = n - weight

    return d


def crossover(self, dna1, dna2):

        Mixes dna1 and dna2.

        global breed
        # get alleles for gene 1
        A = self.alleles(dna1)[1]
        a = self.alleles(dna1)[2]
        # get alleles for gene 2
        B = self.alleles(dna2)[1]
        b = self.alleles(dna2)[2]
        # format alleles as dictionaries
        AB, Ab, Ba, ab = ({} for i in range(4))
        # genre 1
        # genre 2
        # genre 3
        # genre 4

        # pick a random number
        x = random.random()
        # set percentage
        if x < 0.25:
            # if low, generate recessive genotypes
            genotype = random.choice([ab])
            breed = ' '.join([k for k in genotype])
            #return genotype
            # if low, generate dominant genotypes
            genotype = random.choice([AB, Ab, Ba])
            breed = ' '.join([k for k in genotype])

        return (genotype, breed)

def fitness(self, dna1, dna2, generations=600):

        Most adapted phenotype after many generations.

        # container for unique breeds
        offspring = set()
        # fetch million song dataset 
        pool = self.genome()
        # test for many generations
        for generation in range(generations):
            print ("Generation %s..." % (generation))
            # mix phenotype
            breed = self.crossover(dna1,dna2)[1]
            # print each offspring
            print (breed)
            # build genotype

        # container for sequences
        matches = []
        # lookup offspring in genetic pool
        for o in sorted(offspring):
            for p in pool:
                # compare genetic sequences
                seq = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, a=o.lower(), b=p.lower())
                print (o, p, round(seq.ratio(), 4))
                # sort matches by similarity ratio
                matches.append([o, p, round(seq.ratio(), 4)])

        # order fittest by descending order
        # similarity = sorted(matches, key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True)
        similarity = sorted(matches, key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True)

        # containers for optimized genetic values
        fit = []
        # add
        for m in matches:
            # if m[2] == 1.0:
            #   fit.append(m)
            if 0.8880 <= m[2] <= 1.0:

        return sorted(fit, key=lambda x: x[2], reverse=True)

def alleles(self, dna):

        global allele
        # each user is one
        individual = dna.keys()
        # containers for data
        total = []
        dominant = []
        recessive = []

        for k, v in dna.items():
            # track gene strength # python 3 requires list for indexing
            weight = list(v.values())
            # add all weights 
            # each tag is a 'gene'
            gene = v.keys()
            # format in allele fashion
            allele = zip(gene, weight)
            # get the average weight for tags
            mean = sum(total)/len(total)
            # print allel
            for a in allele:
                # above avg is a dominant tag
                if a[1] > mean:
                elif a[1] == 1.0:
                # below avg is a recessive tag

        return (individual, dominant, recessive)



>>> def f(a):
...     for d in a:
...         if d % 2 == 0:
...             return d
...     return d  # You're returning d, but if the list is empty d is expected to be undefined
>>> f([5])
>>> f([5, 5, 2])
>>> f([])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 5, in f
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'd' referenced before assignment
如果dna为空,请避免调用加权_选项 编辑:



A = self.alleles(dna1)[1]
a = self.alleles(dna1)[2]

B = self.alleles(dna2)[1]   
b = self.alleles(dna2)[2]


只有两个调用和元组扩展才能实现这个技巧。它将返回的单个、显性和隐性值分配给正确的变量。 曾经说过,显性或隐性都是空的。错误本身必须在你的等位基因方法中

    def alleles(self, dna):
        # Your code goes here. Make sure it does what you're expecting.
        # And if dominant and/or recessive are not expected to be empty
        # with the given input (aka. dna) you have to fix this method.

        print('dominant:', dominant)    
        print('recessive:', recessive)

        return (individual, dominant, recessive)



for d, weight in dna.items():
    if n < weight:
        return d
    n = n - weight

return d

for d, weight in enumerate(dna):
    if n < weight:
        return d
    n = n - weight

return d

A = self.alleles(dna1)[1]
a = self.alleles(dna1)[2]

B = self.alleles(dna2)[1]   
b = self.alleles(dna2)[2]
# It seems like you only care about 2nd and 3rd elements being
# returned, so _ will silently take the `individual` value
_, A, a = self.alleles(dna1)
_, B, b = self.alleles(dna2)
    def alleles(self, dna):
        # Your code goes here. Make sure it does what you're expecting.
        # And if dominant and/or recessive are not expected to be empty
        # with the given input (aka. dna) you have to fix this method.

        print('dominant:', dominant)    
        print('recessive:', recessive)

        return (individual, dominant, recessive)
for d, weight in dna.items():
    if n < weight:
        return d
    n = n - weight

return d
for d, weight in enumerate(dna):
    if n < weight:
        return d
    n = n - weight

return d