Python 3.x 基于特定标签提取数据/推文

Python 3.x 基于特定标签提取数据/推文,python-3.x,twitter,data-science,Python 3.x,Twitter,Data Science,我想根据特定的标签提取数据/推文。除了“#LetsTaxThis”,我的python代码可以与任何哈希标记一起正常工作。这主要是我想用来从推特中提取数据的标签 一旦我使用这个标签运行我的代码,我只能看到2条tweet,但是已经有1000多条使用这个标签的tweet 我的消费者密钥、消费者密钥、访问令牌和访问密钥都可以。因为其他hashtag正在工作 import tweepy # To consume Twitter's API import pandas as pd




import tweepy           # To consume Twitter's API
import pandas as pd     # To handle data
import numpy as np      # For number computing

# For plotting and visualization:
from IPython.display import display
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline

# Twitter App access keys for @user

# Consume:
CONSUMER_KEY    = '--------'
CONSUMER_SECRET = '----------------'

# Access:
ACCESS_TOKEN  = '--------------'
ACCESS_SECRET = '-------------'

# We import our access keys:
from credentials import *    # This will allow us to use the keys as variables

# API's setup:
def twitter_setup():
    Utility function to setup the Twitter's API
    with our access keys provided.
    # Authentication and access using keys:
    auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET)
    auth.set_access_token(ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_SECRET)

    # Return API with authentication:
    api = tweepy.API(auth)
    return api


    # We create an extractor object:
extractor = twitter_setup()

# We create a tweet list as follows:
#tweets = extractor.user_timeline(screen_name="@iamsrk", count=600)
tweets ="#letsTaxThis", count=200)

print("Number of tweets extracted: {}.\n".format(len(tweets)))

# We print the most recent 5 tweets:
#print("3 recent tweets:\n")
for tweet in tweets[:3]:



搜索API只返回一周前的推文。您需要获得批准才能使用Premium Search API获取较旧的推文。

为mate Jonas的回答干杯。我如何才能获得使用Premium Search API获取旧推文的批准。高级谢谢:)就行了,乔纳斯干杯