Python 3.x 数据透视表百分比计算

Python 3.x 数据透视表百分比计算,python-3.x,pandas,pivot-table,percentage,Python 3.x,Pandas,Pivot Table,Percentage,给定以下数据框和数据透视表: import pandas as pd df=pd.DataFrame({'A':['x','y','z','x','y','z'], 'B':['one','one','one','two','two','two'], 'C':[2,18,2,8,2,18]}) df A B C 0 x one 2 1 y one 18 2 z o


import pandas as pd

    A   B       C
0   x   one     2
1   y   one     18
2   z   one     2
3   x   two     8
4   y   two     2
5   z   two     18

table = pd.pivot_table(df, index=['A', 'B'],aggfunc=np.sum)

A   B   
x   one     2
    two     8
y   one     18
    two     2
z   one     2
    two     18

           C    % of Total  % of B
A   B
x   one    2    4%          10%
    two   18    36%         90%
y   one    2    4%          20%
    two    8    16%         80%
z   one    2    4%          10%
    two   18    36%         90%

table['% of Total'] = (table.C / table.C.sum() * 100)
table['% of B'] = (table.C / table.groupby(level=0).C.transform(sum) * 100)
table.loc['total', :] = table.sum().values
print table
              C  % of Total  % of B
A     B                            
x     one   2.0         4.0    20.0
      two   8.0        16.0    80.0
y     one  18.0        36.0    90.0
      two   2.0         4.0    10.0
z     one   2.0         4.0    10.0
      two  18.0        36.0    90.0
total      50.0       100.0   300.0


table['% of Total'] = (table.C / table.C.sum() * 100).astype(str) + '%'
table['% of B'] = (table.C / table.groupby(level=0).C.transform(sum) * 100).astype(str) + '%'
print table
        C % of Total % of B
A B                        
x one   2       4.0%  20.0%
  two   8      16.0%  80.0%
y one  18      36.0%  90.0%
  two   2       4.0%  10.0%
z one   2       4.0%  10.0%
  two  18      36.0%  90.0%


table['% of Total'] = (table.C / table.C.sum() * 100)
table['% of B'] = (table.C / table.groupby(level=0).C.transform(sum) * 100)
table.loc['total', :] = table.sum().values
print table
              C  % of Total  % of B
A     B                            
x     one   2.0         4.0    20.0
      two   8.0        16.0    80.0
y     one  18.0        36.0    90.0
      two   2.0         4.0    10.0
z     one   2.0         4.0    10.0
      two  18.0        36.0    90.0
total      50.0       100.0   300.0
