Python 如何基于其他列的平均值创建的多个列

Python 如何基于其他列的平均值创建的多个列,python,pandas,Python,Pandas,我想要包含前几列平均值的列。 e、 g.对于以下数据帧: Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 ... ColN Row1 5 6 9 10 9 ... 10 Row2 4 7 4 0 9 ... 8 Row3 4 8 3 1 7 ... 5 我想循环这个,所以我创建了列“Avg_2_4”、“Avg_3_5”

e、 g.对于以下数据帧:

        Col1  Col2  Col3  Col4  Col5 ...  ColN 
Row1     5     6     9     10    9   ...   10 
Row2     4     7     4     0     9   ...   8 
Row3     4     8     3     1     7   ...   5 


col = df.loc[:,"Col1":"Col3"]
df["Avg_1_3"] = col.mean(axis=1)


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

cols = 4
rows = 10

# Sample Data Creation
df = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(1,cols+1):
    df['Col'+str(i)] = np.random.randint(0,10,rows)

# Column wise rolling mean calculation with a window of 3    
avg = df.rolling(window=3, axis=1).mean()

# Assinging appropriate column names to calculated mean df's columns
avg_cols = pd.Series(range(1,cols+1)).astype(str)
avg_cols = 'Avg_' + avg_cols.shift(2) + '_' + avg_cols
avg.columns = avg_cols

# merging the results
df = pd.concat([df,avg.dropna(axis=1)], axis=1)