Python 在使用to_sql更新表之后,如何避免永远等待线程-&燃气轮机;如何从等待线程中解脱出来

Python 在使用to_sql更新表之后,如何避免永远等待线程-&燃气轮机;如何从等待线程中解脱出来,python,mysql,pandas,Python,Mysql,Pandas,我试图在MySQL数据库中创建一个表,并用以下内容填充它: df.to_sql(table_name, con=engine, index=index, if_exists='replace', chunksize=2000) 我在某种程度上成功了,因为我正在创建一个表并上传所有记录。与此同时,脚本仍在工作,直到我手动停止它,并且当我停止时,它总是显示为 wait\u for_tstate\u lock。在


  df.to_sql(table_name, con=engine, index=index, 
            if_exists='replace', chunksize=2000)
我在某种程度上成功了,因为我正在创建一个表并上传所有记录。与此同时,脚本仍在工作,直到我手动停止它,并且当我停止时,它总是显示为 wait\u for_tstate\u lock。在库中,它如下所示:

def _shutdown():
    # Obscure:  other threads may be waiting to join _main_thread.  That's
    # dubious, but some code does it.  We can't wait for C code to release
    # the main thread's tstate_lock - that won't happen until the interpreter
    # is nearly dead.  So we release it here.  Note that just calling _stop()
    # isn't enough:  other threads may already be waiting on _tstate_lock.
    tlock = _main_thread._tstate_lock
    # The main thread isn't finished yet, so its thread state lock can't have
    # been released.
    assert tlock is not None
    assert tlock.locked()
    t = _pickSomeNonDaemonThread()
    while t:
        t = _pickSomeNonDaemonThread()

def _wait_for_tstate_lock(self, block=True, timeout=-1):
    # Issue #18808: wait for the thread state to be gone.
    # At the end of the thread's life, after all knowledge of the thread
    # is removed from C data structures, C code releases our _tstate_lock.
    # This method passes its arguments to _tstate_lock.acquire().
    # If the lock is acquired, the C code is done, and self._stop() is
    # called.  That sets ._is_stopped to True, and ._tstate_lock to None.
    lock = self._tstate_lock
    if lock is None:  # already determined that the C code is done
        assert self._is_stopped
    elif lock.acquire(block, timeout):


engine = create_engine("mysql+pymysql://{user}:{pw}@{host}:{port}/{db}"
                               .format(host=_mysql_host, db=reports_db, user=_mysql_username, pw=_mysql_password,