Python 当响应文本不';我没有它所拥有的全部内容';在我的浏览器中显示什么?

Python 当响应文本不';我没有它所拥有的全部内容';在我的浏览器中显示什么?,python,beautifulsoup,Python,Beautifulsoup,使用JupyterNotebook(ipynb),我试图用BeautifulSoup删除web内容,但响应文本没有显示在浏览器中的所有内容。我正在尝试提取文章标题和段落文本,但无法提取段落文本,因为它没有显示在我的浏览器中 url =


url =

<div class="article_teaser_body">New evidence suggests salty, shallow ponds once dotted a Martian crater — a sign of the planet's drying climate.</div>


您不需要使用beautiful soup来刮取此url


import requests
import json # need to use this to pretty print json easily 

headers = {
  'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:49.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/49.0' # to mimic regular browser user-agent

params = (
    ('page', '0'),
    ('per_page', '40'), # you tweak this value to 1000 or maybe more to get more data from a single request
    ('order', 'publish_date desc,created_at desc'),
    ('search', ''),
    ('category', '19,165,184,204'),
    ('blank_scope', 'Latest'),

# params is equivalent to page=1&per_page=40&order=publish_date+desc%2Ccreated_at+desc&search=&category=19%2C165%2C184%2C204&blank_scope=Latest

r = requests.get('', params=params, headers=headers).json()

print(json.dumps(r, indent=4)) # prints the raw json respone

The article data is contained inside the key `"items"`, we can iterate over `"items"` and 
print article title and body. Do check the raw json response to find 
other data included along with article title and body. You just need 
to use the key name to get those values like you see in the below code. 

for article in r["items"]:
  print("Title :", article["title"])
  print("Body :",article["body"])


import requests
import json # need to use this to pretty print json easily 

headers = {
  'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:49.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/49.0' # to mimic regular browser user-agent

params = (
    ('page', '0'),
    ('per_page', '40'), # you tweak this value to 1000 or maybe more to get more data from a single request
    ('order', 'publish_date desc,created_at desc'),
    ('search', ''),
    ('category', '19,165,184,204'),
    ('blank_scope', 'Latest'),

# params is equivalent to page=1&per_page=40&order=publish_date+desc%2Ccreated_at+desc&search=&category=19%2C165%2C184%2C204&blank_scope=Latest

r = requests.get('', params=params, headers=headers).json()

print(json.dumps(r, indent=4)) # prints the raw json respone

The article data is contained inside the key `"items"`, we can iterate over `"items"` and 
print article title and body. Do check the raw json response to find 
other data included along with article title and body. You just need 
to use the key name to get those values like you see in the below code. 

for article in r["items"]:
  print("Title :", article["title"])
  print("Body :",article["body"])