
资讯科技及#039;s而不是它';python字符串中的s,python,string,single-quotes,Python,String,Single Quotes,我的python字符串由和#039而不是“(单引号)。我目前的目标是扩展复合词,就像它是它是,没有到没有 “这对我来说太棒了。我已经服用了两周,在过去的一周里,我只有三次头痛,服用2泰诺后就消失了。我每天都有慢性头痛,无论吃什么都不会消失。我白天仍然有点困,但我知道这会好起来的。” 上面的陈述是我一直试图转换的句子的一个例子 有人能建议一种将其转换为字符串格式的方法吗 text = "This has been great for me. I've been on it for





text = "This has been great for me. I've been on it for 2 weeks and in the last week I only had 3 headaches which went away with 2 Tylenol. I was having chronic daily headaches that wouldn't go away no matter what I took. I'm still a little sleepy during the day, but I know that will get better."
d_contraction = {"I'm":"I am","wouldn't":"would not","I've":"I have"}
updated_text = text.replace(''', "'") 
for k,v in d_contraction.items():
    updated_text = updated_text.replace(k,v) 

This has been great for me. I've been on it for 2 weeks and in the last week I only had 3 headaches which went away with 2 Tylenol. I was having chronic daily headaches that wouldn't go away no matter what I took. I'm still a little sleepy during the day, but I know that will get better.

This has been great for me. I have been on it for 2 weeks and in the last week I only had 3 headaches which went away with 2 Tylenol. I was having chronic daily headaches that would not go away no matter what I took. I am still a little sleepy during the day, but I know that will get better.

