Python For循环:如何';取一个';每次你经过的时候?

Python For循环:如何';取一个';每次你经过的时候?,python,for-loop,Python,For Loop,很抱歉标题含糊不清。我不知道该怎么说。 我需要做的是:我有一个电台列表,我需要打印我输入的电台之后的每个电台。我不知道如何完成它。我需要一个for循环。它应该是这样的: stations = ["Station A", "Station B", "Station C", "Station D"] begin = input("What is your begin station?") end = input("What is your end station?") for station in

很抱歉标题含糊不清。我不知道该怎么说。 我需要做的是:我有一个电台列表,我需要打印我输入的电台之后的每个电台。我不知道如何完成它。我需要一个for循环。它应该是这样的:

stations = ["Station A", "Station B", "Station C", "Station D"]
begin = input("What is your begin station?")
end = input("What is your end station?")

for station in stations:
    # This below should print every station after the 'begin' station. After it prints the first 'round' of stations,
    # it has to continue to the next station, and print the stations after that.

    # If begin = "Station A"
    # and end = "Station B"
    # I want it to print the following:

    # Station B
    # Station C
    # Station D
    # (This would be the next time it passes over)
    # Station C
    # Station D
    # (This would be the last time it passes over)
    # Station D


stations = ["Station A", "Station B", "Station C", "Station D"]
begin = input("What is your begin station?")
end = input("What is your end station?")

ind = stations.index(begin) + 1

for i in range(ind, len(stations)):
    for j in range(i,len(stations)):

What is your begin station?Station A
What is your end station?Station B
Station B
Station C
Station D

Station C
Station D

Station D

